Sciatic Nerve Pain Treatment During Pregnancy
- If you are coping with sciatic pain during your pregnancy, you should try to reduce the pressure on the nerve. While you can't do anything about the weight in your belly, you can adjust how you lie down. Sleeping on whichever side isn't painful can reduce pressure on the nerve. This may be enough to alleviate the majority of your sciatica pain.
To further reduce discomfort, don't stay on your feet for extended periods of time and refrain from lifting heavy objects. Those activities add pressure to the nerve and increase swelling, compression and pain.
Applying hot or cold compresses can reduce the pain. Start with ice to reduce any swelling. After the first couple of days, begin to alternate hot and cold compresses throughout the day. Warm compresses will help increase circulation and mobility to make exercise easier. - Swimming is a great exercise for reducing stress on your body because water helps support you and your extra weight.
Stretches also help. Prenatal yoga offers extensive stretches for your back, hips and legs. It also helps prepare your body for childbirth by teaching you proper breathing techniques that can help alleviate the pain of childbirth. Yoga can increase the flexibility of your legs, which reduces compression on the nerve and can alleviate pain.
Basic stretches include a hamstring stretch or a hip stretch, where you cross one knee over your body while rotating your back. You can do a hip stretch sitting or lying down, depending on which is more comfortable for you. This may be difficult with your belly in front, but it can help reduce sciatic pain. - Discuss any symptoms during pregnancy with your health care provider. Your pain could simply be due to the extra weight, or you might have a herniated disc. Talk to your doctor about any pain you are experiencing and follow his recommended treatment. If your case is severe, your doctor may prescribe acetaminophen for pain relief. Most cases of sciatica during pregnancy go away without major medical intervention, but your doctor is the best person to help you decide how to handle your symptoms.
Relieving Pressure
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