Why Start a Web Hosting Company?
In 1993, there were about 130 websites on the internet, and in 1997 there were an estimate 650,000.
Can you tell me approximately how many there are today? How many of these websites need hosting? How many people right now or tomorrow will create a website, and need a hosting plan for it? Hundreds of thousands of people!! Don't you want a piece of the pie, and make money that will automatically be sent to your bank monthly?! Why start a business in a field that is very diluted with thousands of companies around the world right? An often asked question, it will make you think twice about starting your own web hosting company.
That is exactly what I thought before I started my own, and I found out soon enough that at least half of those companies FAIL because they are not properly maintained (probably run by a 15 yr old), and they have no plan.
These companies pray that customers stumble on their site and sign up for their plans.
Screw that, I will show you how you can make an amazing website, create attractable hosting plans, and have customers buying your web hosting plans daily! One thing I want you to remove from your mind immediately is that "making money online should be easy", right? NO!...
You will definitely reap the benefits of having an online business, but only if you pay the price and make the effort to start a solid business from the beginning.
Creating a good business plan, persistence, and a little bit of money is all you need to start creating a web hosting company that will grow and grow.
I started my web hosting company in February of 2009 and I already have dozens of clients that love my service.
Little do they know that I do not own servers, or a data center, or a staff to do maintenance and other work.
I run my web hosting business from home, and have been successfully generating a few hundred dollars a month, every month! This is because my clients pay by the month, and they are automatically charged, and the money is automatically sent to my bank account 3-5 business days after the transaction.
Do you see what I mean about doing some work and then automating everything? I did my work, researched several companies to work with, and started my new business.
Now I collect cash throughout the month and rarely ever get a call to my office from a client.
This is because I got my clients used to sending me support tickets to take care of any issues they may have.
This way I don't have the phone line tied up, and I can answer the support question whenever I want (don't make your customers mad, answer within 24-48 hours!)
Can you tell me approximately how many there are today? How many of these websites need hosting? How many people right now or tomorrow will create a website, and need a hosting plan for it? Hundreds of thousands of people!! Don't you want a piece of the pie, and make money that will automatically be sent to your bank monthly?! Why start a business in a field that is very diluted with thousands of companies around the world right? An often asked question, it will make you think twice about starting your own web hosting company.
That is exactly what I thought before I started my own, and I found out soon enough that at least half of those companies FAIL because they are not properly maintained (probably run by a 15 yr old), and they have no plan.
These companies pray that customers stumble on their site and sign up for their plans.
Screw that, I will show you how you can make an amazing website, create attractable hosting plans, and have customers buying your web hosting plans daily! One thing I want you to remove from your mind immediately is that "making money online should be easy", right? NO!...
You will definitely reap the benefits of having an online business, but only if you pay the price and make the effort to start a solid business from the beginning.
Creating a good business plan, persistence, and a little bit of money is all you need to start creating a web hosting company that will grow and grow.
I started my web hosting company in February of 2009 and I already have dozens of clients that love my service.
Little do they know that I do not own servers, or a data center, or a staff to do maintenance and other work.
I run my web hosting business from home, and have been successfully generating a few hundred dollars a month, every month! This is because my clients pay by the month, and they are automatically charged, and the money is automatically sent to my bank account 3-5 business days after the transaction.
Do you see what I mean about doing some work and then automating everything? I did my work, researched several companies to work with, and started my new business.
Now I collect cash throughout the month and rarely ever get a call to my office from a client.
This is because I got my clients used to sending me support tickets to take care of any issues they may have.
This way I don't have the phone line tied up, and I can answer the support question whenever I want (don't make your customers mad, answer within 24-48 hours!)