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Type 2 Diabetes - One Step to Help With Weight Loss and Lower Blood Sugar Levels!

People with type 2 diabetes need to know a couple of things, especially if you are in the 90% of type 2 diabetics who are overweight or obese.
One is you are not alone, millions of people are fighting the same weight loss battle you are.
Two is your weight problem as a diabetic is not your fault; with type 2 diabetes you have several metabolic issues...
but because you have these issues, it does not mean you cannot beat the "battle of the bulge".
One of the realities of dieting for weight loss is that often dieters just don't control their weight.
One of the realities about dieting for diabetes control is that type 2 diabetics usually don't control their blood sugars levels! The problem with dieting to keep blood sugar levels under control isn't lack of willpower.
The problem is the natural inclination to assume all portions of a certain food contain the same number of calories and the same amount of carbs.
It's a little like driving through a traffic light.
If you see green, you go.
If you see red, you stop! If you see a slice of bread and you learned somewhere that a slice of bread contains 10 grams of carbohydrate, and that 10 grams of carbohydrate is a safe amount for your to eat, then you are likely to feel comfortable eating a thin slice of bread...
or a thick slice of bread, a roll, a bun, a bolillo, or a baguette.
The downfall of many diabetic diets is that "creeping" increases in portion size which you tell yourself looks right and feels right.
Unfortunately though this causes your blood sugar levels after eating to soar.
What can you do about this difficult aspect of human nature? The best advice for type 2 diabetics is to always think small.
Eat small portions and eat often...
the less you eat each time, the less likely you are to send your blood sugars too high.
Or make a habit of leaving just a little on your plate.
If you are concerned about waste, start composting.
Use your non-meat table scraps as a terrific food for your plants.
And if you really want to keep your blood sugar levels under tight control, buy kitchen scales and use them.
Many models will give complete nutritional information for hundreds of different foods.
Not only will you know how many grams of carbohydrate you are eating, you will see a readout of: fat grams, grams protein, vitamins, and more.
This step alone can help you lose a significant amount of weight.
Even losing only 5 to 7% of your body weight can give you naturally, without drugs, what every person with type 2 diabetes wants...
lower blood sugar levels.
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