Fishing for Panfish With a Super Ultralight Fishing Line
- 1). Use your super ultralight fishing line with an ultralight pole and reel to reap the full benefits of the ultralight experience. Ultralight gear allows you to use much smaller hooks, bait and sinkers which are specifically design for panfish. Ultralight gear also allows you to make more accurate casts in and around obstacles such as brush, where panfish hang out.
- 2). Soak your super ultralight fishing line in water before fishing with it. Super ultralight line tends to twist on the spool and tangle up. Wetting the line will help prevent this from happening.
- 3). Fish with super ultralight fishing line and tackle when a lot of people are fishing in the area or when the water is extremely clear to keep from spooking the panfish. The smaller baits and thinners lines won't appear so intimidating to the panfish.
- 4). Use a float on your line to help detect bites. The float will sit on top of the water and dangle your bait in view of the panfish. When a fish takes your bait, the float will bob down and up. Larger panfish will pull the float under water and out of view.
- 5). Net your catch with a fishing net when you get it near shore to prevent the fish from breaking your line at the last minute.