Prairie Bird Identification
- The Northern Bobwhite quail has a mottled reddish brown body and resembles a plump little chicken. The male has a white stripe extending from the eye, while the female has one that is more of a cream color.
- The Horned Lark gets its name from the feathers on its head that rise up and look like a pair of horns. The songbird has a dull brown back and black patches on both the chest and the head that highlight a yellow throat.
- Male Ring-necked PheasantImage by, courtesy of Gidzy
A game bird introduced from Asia, the Ring-necked Pheasant has a long tail and looks much like a chicken. The male has a red face and a glistening green neck to go with a white ring around the throat. - The Sedge Wren is a light brown bird with a tail usually held in an upright position. It is a poor flier, staying low over the prairie grasses and typically making "crash landings."
- The White-throated Sparrow has some markings on the head that make it easily discernable from other sparrows. These include a black stripe from the eye to the crown of the head, a yellow patch between the eye and the stripe, and of course a white throat.
Northern Bobwhite
Horned Lark
Ring-necked Pheasant
Sedge Wren
White-throated Sparrow