Mime Face Painting Ideas
- Mimes use different face makeup designs.mime image by michele goglio from Fotolia.com
Almost everyone knows a mime when he sees one. These black-and-white wearing performers act out every day activities with few or no props at all. The most famous trick is pretending to be in an invisible box, but other tricks include talking on pretend phones, pulling on invisible ropes, dealing cards and much more. Mimes often show up at carnivals, parties and festivals. They are also very popular at Mardi Gras.
Beyond their actions, a mime's most distinguishing feature is his face makeup. The general makeup consists of a white base with red and black details, but the designs and possibilities are endless. Experienced mimes say to paint slowly because mistakes are hard to erase. - Many people think of mimes as cheerful, funny characters but they can also be creepy, eerie and mysterious. Gothic mime makeup is especially appropriate for Halloween parties, Gothic plays and haunted house characters.
Gothic mime makeup begins with white pancake makeup and white powder. The white pancake is a thick, creamy white makeup that goes thickly on the face. Powder goes next, eliminating the shine from the pancake. Next comes some black detail applied with black lipstick and black grease pencil. The lipstick outlines a tiny heart that begins with the dip in the upper lip and ends in a point on the lower. The eyes are outlined thickly in black with thick black eyelashes at the sides of the eyes and black teardrops dripping from the eyes. - Even the traditional mime makeup design has variations on the fundamental white pancake base, red lipstick and black detailing. The white pancake goes on first, followed by white powder to eliminate shine. Next comes the red lipstick. This is typically brightly colored to stand out against the white makeup. Lipstick goes on the center of the lips, from the outside edges of the dip in the upper lip inward, with the color on the lower lip lining up with the upper. Most mimes also draw in surprised eyebrows by lifting their eyes and drawing thin, black eyebrows in the crease above their real eyebrows. Last come the eyes. The most common eye decoration is a black, four-pointed star around each eye. Some have lines that bisect the cheeks.
- This kind of mime makeup uses red in places other than the lips to make the features stand out. Like other designs, this begins with white pancake cream makeup and a layer of white powder. Next comes the red lipstick, which is very bright red and is carefully applied to the entire mouth. A dot of red makeup graces the tip of the nose, while a red, four-pointed star sits just below the eye on one cheek with a red heart on the other cheek. Thick black lines outline the eyes, followed by a layer of red on the lids. Use a black grease pencil to create crazy eyebrows by coloring in the inner edge of both real eyebrows, then creating a jagged line that departs from each real eyebrow.
Gothic Mime
Traditional Mime
Lots of Red