Psychology College Degrees
- An associate's degree in psychology can be earned in about two years at many community colleges throughout the country. With an associate's degree you can find work as a case worker or counseling aide, but you will not be able to fully counsel patients and must remain under the supervision of someone with a more advanced degree who has also been licensed as a psychologist or counselor.
- A bachelor's degree in psychology will allow you to work with patients, but you still won't be able to offer a full range of counseling services and must remain under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. A bachelor's degree will typically take four years to earn. Professionals with a bachelor's degree might work as an intake officer at a mental institution or as a supervisor in a juvenile facility. In addition, many people with a bachelor's degree will work outside of a clinical or counseling setting. Sales representatives, opinion survey researchers, research assistants, advertising copywriters, and health educators are all popular fields to enter with a bachelor's in psychology.
- With a master's degree and the appropriate experience, you will be able to assist or counsel patients. Some states will allow those with a master's degree to counsel patients independently, and some require that you remain under supervision. Many degree holders will find work as a researcher. A master's degree in psychology will typically take two years to earn. As part of the program, you will be required to complete field work or internships that will help you gain work experience.
- With a doctorate degree in psychology, most career options are open to you. You will be able to counsel patients without supervision. Doctoral programs will require that you specialize in a field such as mental health, clinical psychology or social psychology. You can earn a Ph.D. in psychology, which focuses on both the theory and application of the discipline, or another doctoral degree type such as Doctorate of Education (Ed.D) in Psychology, which focuses on research, or the doctorate of psychology (Psy.D.), which focuses on counseling. Many doctoral degrees will take five years to earn.
Associate of Arts in Psychology
Bachelor's in Psychology
Master's in Psychology
Doctorate in Psychology