How to Find a Job Through Disability Groups in New York
- 1). Check out Independent Living Centers (ILC). ILCs are organizations of and for persons with disabilities which provide peer counselling, advocacy, life skills training, information and referrals. Each location's services vary, but many involve assistance with employment.
- 2). Find support at a number of organizations in New York that match employers with persons with disabilities such as Community Options, National Statler Center for Careers in Hospitality Service, New York One-Stop Career Centers, Career Employment Services and Oswego Industries. These organizations may offer services state-wide or within certain counties.
- 3). Apply for job search assistance with the New York Employment Network Program if you are receiving social security. The Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA) is a community organization that can help you analyze how your employment will affect your benefits.
- 4). Contact service organizations that serve persons with your disabilityin order to find employment information that is geared to your needs. For example, there are resources such as Blindline and Visions for the blind, New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, and the United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) One-Stop Resource Guide for New York.
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Contact non-profit organizations such as the Whitney Museum In New York City to get information on their seasonal internship programs and career opportunities.