What Goes Into Starting Up a Small Wedding Cake Shop?
- If it's a small shop, you can operate it out of your own home. This can drastically cut down on your initial expenses such as a storefront and a myriad of baking essentials.
- To start your small business, you will need some ready cash. As little as $2,000 is all it may take to buy the necessary pans, accessories and ingredients if you are working out of your home kitchen.
- You will need customers to drive your business. Advertise through the newspaper, or let local churches know of your services, which they can then pass on to brides getting married in the church.
- Forms and contracts must be signed to legally run a wedding cake business. You should have insurance, bookkeeping and tax forms. You do not want to get in trouble with the law because you didn't fill out a few papers.
- This area often gets overlooked. It is important that you price your cakes to not only cover the cost of ingredients, but also labor. At the same time, don't overcharge so much that people don't come back.