All About Tree Services In Calgary
Owning trees requires certain amounts of attention. It's true that once a tree reaches a certain height or size it can fend for itself to a certain degree. This is because usually by then the roots have extended wide enough and deep enough to tap into underground water resources for sustenance.
However, before a tree reaches this point, and sometimes after, there are tasks which must be attended to. Many people choose to hire a tree service in Calgary to take care of all the process. This is because it makes things easier, and also because most any tree service in Calgary will have professionals and special arborists who know how to treat and manage trees. In fact, that is what they studied at school in most cases.
Managing or performing tree service in Calgary usually involves the basics of watering, cleanup, and pruning. Each of these components grows in complexity.
Watering the trees is important, especially when they are young. Each area will have a different need in terms of water quantities. Dry climates usually require a lot more water than other places. Also, the amount of rainfall can affect the total amount of watering needed. However, in most cases, the more water the better. This is something that any home owner can manage themselves. But, when a tree service does the job it usually results in more consistent attendance.
Clean up refers to the spring and the autumn. Trees go through cycles. Even evergreen or pine trees, that are green year round, they too lose pine needles which build up at the base. In nature the natural clean up solution of all this falling debris from leaves and pine needles is to burn it up. This of course usually results in the death of many trees however. Nature is pretty hard on itself, it is apparent.
But in our yards and on our property we can't exactly go burning things up. A tree service in Calgary helps with a lot of the clean up and making sure that the base of the trees is not cumbersome with all the leaves piling up.
When it comes to fruit providing trees, there is a lot of clean up that is required. Usually people want to keep the fruit. This adds a whole new level of maintenance to the trees as well. Seeing how insects and birds will get to the fruit long before they are ripe enough, many tree services will help with the use of pesticides to help save the fruit.
Pruning is another beast that the tree service provides. Pruning is the removal of branches from the tree with a specific purpose. It's not about just chopping where ever and whenever.
Usually pruning is done to remove branches that have grown too thick to be of use. At the base of the tree, there are often branches which over run one another and limit the amount of light that the lower branches receive. These should be removed which also increase the amount of air that flows between the branches.
Mostly though, beyond that, the pruning is for aesthetic and cosmetic reasons. In parks, golf courses, and in our yards we don't want the lower branches to get in the way of things. That is why the lower portion of the tree is often pruned to make space below.
It's important to know what time of year to prune. In the spring trees have a natural burst and flourish. This is when they put forth new branches and leaves. It is best to prune before this happens. You never want to prune directly after the spring growth as it significantly decreases the amount of energy the tree has, when it's just spent all that energy in making new leaves and branches.
However, before a tree reaches this point, and sometimes after, there are tasks which must be attended to. Many people choose to hire a tree service in Calgary to take care of all the process. This is because it makes things easier, and also because most any tree service in Calgary will have professionals and special arborists who know how to treat and manage trees. In fact, that is what they studied at school in most cases.
Managing or performing tree service in Calgary usually involves the basics of watering, cleanup, and pruning. Each of these components grows in complexity.
Watering the trees is important, especially when they are young. Each area will have a different need in terms of water quantities. Dry climates usually require a lot more water than other places. Also, the amount of rainfall can affect the total amount of watering needed. However, in most cases, the more water the better. This is something that any home owner can manage themselves. But, when a tree service does the job it usually results in more consistent attendance.
Clean up refers to the spring and the autumn. Trees go through cycles. Even evergreen or pine trees, that are green year round, they too lose pine needles which build up at the base. In nature the natural clean up solution of all this falling debris from leaves and pine needles is to burn it up. This of course usually results in the death of many trees however. Nature is pretty hard on itself, it is apparent.
But in our yards and on our property we can't exactly go burning things up. A tree service in Calgary helps with a lot of the clean up and making sure that the base of the trees is not cumbersome with all the leaves piling up.
When it comes to fruit providing trees, there is a lot of clean up that is required. Usually people want to keep the fruit. This adds a whole new level of maintenance to the trees as well. Seeing how insects and birds will get to the fruit long before they are ripe enough, many tree services will help with the use of pesticides to help save the fruit.
Pruning is another beast that the tree service provides. Pruning is the removal of branches from the tree with a specific purpose. It's not about just chopping where ever and whenever.
Usually pruning is done to remove branches that have grown too thick to be of use. At the base of the tree, there are often branches which over run one another and limit the amount of light that the lower branches receive. These should be removed which also increase the amount of air that flows between the branches.
Mostly though, beyond that, the pruning is for aesthetic and cosmetic reasons. In parks, golf courses, and in our yards we don't want the lower branches to get in the way of things. That is why the lower portion of the tree is often pruned to make space below.
It's important to know what time of year to prune. In the spring trees have a natural burst and flourish. This is when they put forth new branches and leaves. It is best to prune before this happens. You never want to prune directly after the spring growth as it significantly decreases the amount of energy the tree has, when it's just spent all that energy in making new leaves and branches.