Important Advice For Those Writing For A Living At Home
It's amazing how many people have actually considered writing for a living...
right there from their homes...
and yet spend years after initially dreaming of it wondering when and how to start writing for a living.
Don't get me wrong, I am happy to see that there are many more people in this world, especially mothers, who are keen to start writing for a living so that they can be there for their kids more while earning an income.
I would like to lie to you and tell you that it's been great and I had no trouble coping, it's a walk in the park and it has been one of the most enriching experiences in my life.
NOT! I don't dislike my work either but when you pick up writing for a living, you have to understand that it has become a career and as with everything else in life, you do it often enough you'll feel the crunch.
But if I had to weigh the pros and cons, I would continue to say that WRITING for a living is one of those decisions in my life that I will never regret! Here are some facts I would like to share with all of you about writing for a living that you might find useful.
oTake it seriously.
Like it's a job, ok? This is not going to be a 'write-when-I-want-how-I-want' kind of deal anymore.
This is a job! oFind time to get out and find inspiration.
I mean, it's not healthy to spend the whole day tapping at the keyboard and eyeballing the computer - and it won't get the creative juice flowing.
You need that.
Writing is different from a job in a law firm.
You need to think and compose an article so, get out and breathe the fresh air.
oKeep an eye out and never lose sight of your goal! For me, my goal was (still is) to be there for my kids and raise them properly.
Granted sometimes when there's a tight deadline, I forget, but I remember that I forget and told my kids to tell me so if I ever spend the whole time writing and not pay any attention to them.
oSeparate your family life and work life.
Now, please humor me and let me say it again because it's IMPORTANT.
Separate your family life and your work life.
When you start writing for a living, the line between family and work WILL become blurred.
Lean too much to one side and you risk compromising the other.
There should always be a balance.
Don't let your kids disrupt your work AND don't let your work seep into your family life.
These are just basic tips to get you going and keep you strong throughout your working life as a writer.
You're luckier than me because I never had people tell me the above things, so, heed the warning and enjoy your writing career!
right there from their homes...
and yet spend years after initially dreaming of it wondering when and how to start writing for a living.
Don't get me wrong, I am happy to see that there are many more people in this world, especially mothers, who are keen to start writing for a living so that they can be there for their kids more while earning an income.
I would like to lie to you and tell you that it's been great and I had no trouble coping, it's a walk in the park and it has been one of the most enriching experiences in my life.
NOT! I don't dislike my work either but when you pick up writing for a living, you have to understand that it has become a career and as with everything else in life, you do it often enough you'll feel the crunch.
But if I had to weigh the pros and cons, I would continue to say that WRITING for a living is one of those decisions in my life that I will never regret! Here are some facts I would like to share with all of you about writing for a living that you might find useful.
oTake it seriously.
Like it's a job, ok? This is not going to be a 'write-when-I-want-how-I-want' kind of deal anymore.
This is a job! oFind time to get out and find inspiration.
I mean, it's not healthy to spend the whole day tapping at the keyboard and eyeballing the computer - and it won't get the creative juice flowing.
You need that.
Writing is different from a job in a law firm.
You need to think and compose an article so, get out and breathe the fresh air.
oKeep an eye out and never lose sight of your goal! For me, my goal was (still is) to be there for my kids and raise them properly.
Granted sometimes when there's a tight deadline, I forget, but I remember that I forget and told my kids to tell me so if I ever spend the whole time writing and not pay any attention to them.
oSeparate your family life and work life.
Now, please humor me and let me say it again because it's IMPORTANT.
Separate your family life and your work life.
When you start writing for a living, the line between family and work WILL become blurred.
Lean too much to one side and you risk compromising the other.
There should always be a balance.
Don't let your kids disrupt your work AND don't let your work seep into your family life.
These are just basic tips to get you going and keep you strong throughout your working life as a writer.
You're luckier than me because I never had people tell me the above things, so, heed the warning and enjoy your writing career!