Cellulite in Men - Do You Have Cottage Cheese Thighs?
Cellulite in men can be seen anywhere these days.
Men with it are under stress because of their appearance and physical state.
Cellulite is a state wherein the skin around the thighs, abdomen, limbs and other pelvic areas gets loose or dimpled.
Lumpy deposits of fat starts accumulating at these regions, thus causing relevant areas to look disproportionate.
This cellulite state is also called as orange peel syndrome, the mattress effect, cottage cheese skin condition or hail damage.
Though generally it is observed in women, there are some cases of cellulite in men as well.
Causes for cellulite conditions are not extensively studied however generally speaking disorders and androgen deficiency is often linked with the cellulite state.
Inefficient body metabolism, chronic venous deficiencies are the proposed causes for such cottage cheese appearance around the thighs in humans.
However, having a body that looks hail damaged isn't linked with being overweight or obese.
Hormonal changes seems to be a major cause behind cellulite aggravation.
Estrogen, catecholamines (which are hormones released by the adrenal glands in response to stress), insulin, thyroid hormones, prolactin (a hormone released by the pituitary gland), and also adrenaline are all culprits in cellulite formation.
Apart from this, diet and living lifestyles are also considered a major cause of the dreaded mattress effect in the thigh area of your body.
Extra fats, alcohol, carbohydrates and salt can cause this unsightly cellulite condition.
Smoking, unhygienic environs, lack of exercise sitting positions and other daily habits can contribute to it as well, especially in men.
So come on guys and get off the smokes, not only are they killing you they are giving you cottage cheese thighs as well.
All you big beefy blokes with thighs that look like pictures from the lunar landing should consult a physician and take adequate measures for treating cellulite as it can be very painful and astonishingly it can make you sick.
There are various methods and techniques which can be beneficial in treating cellulite in men.
Ultrasound techniques, pressotherapy, Iontophoresis, thermotherapy, and lymphatic drainage which is a special procedure for increased lymphatic flow are all various methods used for cellulite treatment.
In addition, drug and medicinal treatments are also effective for decreasing the dreaded moon crater appearance in your thighs.
Medicines like pentoxifylline - used for increased micro circulation in body, methyxanthines, adrenergic isoproterenol, piperoxan, dihydroergotamine, ginkgo biloba, phentolamine, rutin and others are useful.
Some of these are taken orally while others are ointments used directly on the affected are Cellulite in men can also treated by cosmetic methods but the success rate is not justified.
Radio frequency to treat skin and heat the cells is used in some cases.
This procedure produces collagen in effective area, thus making skin vital and younger.
Endermologie therapies and Mesotherapy are also used in some cases.
Some times experts suggest liposuction surgery for treating cellulite condition in men, but the results are not always worth the effort when you can just give up wearing the 'budgy smugglers' and simply cover up with proper clothing instead.
Men with it are under stress because of their appearance and physical state.
Cellulite is a state wherein the skin around the thighs, abdomen, limbs and other pelvic areas gets loose or dimpled.
Lumpy deposits of fat starts accumulating at these regions, thus causing relevant areas to look disproportionate.
This cellulite state is also called as orange peel syndrome, the mattress effect, cottage cheese skin condition or hail damage.
Though generally it is observed in women, there are some cases of cellulite in men as well.
Causes for cellulite conditions are not extensively studied however generally speaking disorders and androgen deficiency is often linked with the cellulite state.
Inefficient body metabolism, chronic venous deficiencies are the proposed causes for such cottage cheese appearance around the thighs in humans.
However, having a body that looks hail damaged isn't linked with being overweight or obese.
Hormonal changes seems to be a major cause behind cellulite aggravation.
Estrogen, catecholamines (which are hormones released by the adrenal glands in response to stress), insulin, thyroid hormones, prolactin (a hormone released by the pituitary gland), and also adrenaline are all culprits in cellulite formation.
Apart from this, diet and living lifestyles are also considered a major cause of the dreaded mattress effect in the thigh area of your body.
Extra fats, alcohol, carbohydrates and salt can cause this unsightly cellulite condition.
Smoking, unhygienic environs, lack of exercise sitting positions and other daily habits can contribute to it as well, especially in men.
So come on guys and get off the smokes, not only are they killing you they are giving you cottage cheese thighs as well.
All you big beefy blokes with thighs that look like pictures from the lunar landing should consult a physician and take adequate measures for treating cellulite as it can be very painful and astonishingly it can make you sick.
There are various methods and techniques which can be beneficial in treating cellulite in men.
Ultrasound techniques, pressotherapy, Iontophoresis, thermotherapy, and lymphatic drainage which is a special procedure for increased lymphatic flow are all various methods used for cellulite treatment.
In addition, drug and medicinal treatments are also effective for decreasing the dreaded moon crater appearance in your thighs.
Medicines like pentoxifylline - used for increased micro circulation in body, methyxanthines, adrenergic isoproterenol, piperoxan, dihydroergotamine, ginkgo biloba, phentolamine, rutin and others are useful.
Some of these are taken orally while others are ointments used directly on the affected are Cellulite in men can also treated by cosmetic methods but the success rate is not justified.
Radio frequency to treat skin and heat the cells is used in some cases.
This procedure produces collagen in effective area, thus making skin vital and younger.
Endermologie therapies and Mesotherapy are also used in some cases.
Some times experts suggest liposuction surgery for treating cellulite condition in men, but the results are not always worth the effort when you can just give up wearing the 'budgy smugglers' and simply cover up with proper clothing instead.