The Difference Between Elephant Garlic And Garlic
Question: What is garlic?
What is garlic? Is elephant garlic related to garlic?
Answer: Garlic is one of the most versatile flavors to ever grace a kitchen. It not only tastes wonderful, it's very good for your body. It is one of Mother Nature's most precious gift to cooks of all levels of expertise.
Garlic (allium sativum) has lovingly been dubbed The Stinking Rose, yet it is actually a member of the lily (Liliaceae) family and a cousin to onions, leeks, chives, and shallots.
The edible bulb or head of garlic is composed of smaller cloves. It is a root crop, with the bulb growing underground.
Garlic crops are harvested in mid-July and hung in sheds to dry before reaching their prime in late-July/early-August.
There are over 300 varieties of garlic grown worldwide. American garlic, with its white, papery skin and strong flavor is one of the most common varieties. Italian and Mexican garlic, both of which have pink- to purple-colored skins, are slightly milder-flavored varieties.
Elephant garlic (allium scorodoprasum), which has very large, extremely mild-flavored cloves, is not a true garlic, but a closer relative to the leek.
More About Garlic:
• Garlic Cooking Tips and Hints• Garlic Selection and Storage
• What is garlic?
• Why does garlic smell?
• Garlic History
• Garlic and Health
• Garlic Recipes