Valladolid to Madrid by Train and Bus
Details of how to get from Valladolid to Madrid by bus and train. Plus, check out the Valladolid hotel and winery package mentioned below.
See also: 100 Things to Do in Madrid
The best way to get between these two cities is by train. The price is similar to the bus but it's much quicker.
Madrid to Valladolid by Train
The train from Madrid to Valladolid takes about 1h10 and costs betweeen 15 and 20 euros.Book Train Tickets in Spain with Rail Europe
Trains from Valladolid to Madrid arrive at Madrid's Chamartin train station. Read more about Bus and Train Stations in Madrid.
Madrid to Valladolid by Bus
There are regular buses throughout the day between Valladolid and Madrid. The journey takes three hours and costs under 15 euros. This is the cheapest option, barely, but the journey is long. Take the train.
Most buses from Valladolid to Madrid arrive at Mendez Alvaro station.
You can book most bus tickets in Spain online at no extra charge. Just pay with a credit card and print out the e-ticket.
Book Bus Tickets in Spain
What to Do in Valladolid
Valladolid is an historic city (Columbus died here) and is in the heart of one of Spain's best wine regions. Check out this Valladolid Hotel, Restaurant and Winery Package for a self-guided visit to Valladolid.