How Do I Press Charges Against a Police Officer?
- 1). Call the non-emergency phone number for your local police department to report wrongdoing by an officer. In an emergency, call 911.
- 2). Ask to speak with the internal affairs office. Inform the internal affairs officer of your issue with a police officer. You will need to provide the name of the officer, date and location of the incident, and the names of any potential witnesses. Internal affairs personnel will investigate the incident and file charges if they deem it appropriate. If they do not file charges, you can contact the state attorney general.
- 3). Contact the attorney general's office in your state and inform the office of your incident and your report to internal affairs. Wait until the attorney general's office gets back to you with its report. If it chooses to do nothing, then your only option is to sue.
- 4). Contact a lawyer who specializes in civil rights. Inform the lawyer of your issues with the police officer and the complaints you made. The lawyer will inform you of the next steps you must take.