Three Dimensional Horse Racing Handicapping Will Lift Your Winning Percentage to a New Level
Horse racing handicapping is usually done by trying to project what will happen in the future by studying the past.
It is all based on one dimension, time.
We try to figure out how much time it will take for a runner to cover the distance, and that's another use of time.
The hidden dimension that is often overlooked in racing is the present.
Minutes before a race is run, more things happen or are apparent that will affect the race, than all the past performances and projections we can make and yet, more emphasis is put on the past and time, than any other dimension.
Looking at a horse, jockey, and trainer and reading each one's body language will tell you a lot.
Watching the pools will tell its own tale, especially how the money is distributed.
So money becomes a dimension and the timely dimension of right now becomes another dimension.
How the money is disbursed, unless you know something that the crowd doesn't, will tell you a lot about how the insiders at the track feel about the horses.
So far we have dealt with two dimensions, time and human intentions.
You can read the intentions in the body language, condition of the horse and money.
Finally, there is a third dimension, the earth and weather.
The track condition, temperature, precipitation, all play into the final result and chances of each runner.
How a runner will handle a soft turf course has a big effect upon how the public bets that horse and how the jockey and trainer feel about the runner's chances.
You will see their opinion in their body language and should be watching it in the saddling ring.
You should be watching the money flow on the toteboard and finally, you should be looking in the past performances to see how a horse was bet in its previous races and how it handled a track like the one it is running on today.
That is three dimensional horse racing handicapping.
It is a lot more than reading past performances and adding numbers together to try to make sense of a complicated sporting event that is taking place in all spatial dimensions and the dimension of time.
That is complete handicapping.
It is all based on one dimension, time.
We try to figure out how much time it will take for a runner to cover the distance, and that's another use of time.
The hidden dimension that is often overlooked in racing is the present.
Minutes before a race is run, more things happen or are apparent that will affect the race, than all the past performances and projections we can make and yet, more emphasis is put on the past and time, than any other dimension.
Looking at a horse, jockey, and trainer and reading each one's body language will tell you a lot.
Watching the pools will tell its own tale, especially how the money is distributed.
So money becomes a dimension and the timely dimension of right now becomes another dimension.
How the money is disbursed, unless you know something that the crowd doesn't, will tell you a lot about how the insiders at the track feel about the horses.
So far we have dealt with two dimensions, time and human intentions.
You can read the intentions in the body language, condition of the horse and money.
Finally, there is a third dimension, the earth and weather.
The track condition, temperature, precipitation, all play into the final result and chances of each runner.
How a runner will handle a soft turf course has a big effect upon how the public bets that horse and how the jockey and trainer feel about the runner's chances.
You will see their opinion in their body language and should be watching it in the saddling ring.
You should be watching the money flow on the toteboard and finally, you should be looking in the past performances to see how a horse was bet in its previous races and how it handled a track like the one it is running on today.
That is three dimensional horse racing handicapping.
It is a lot more than reading past performances and adding numbers together to try to make sense of a complicated sporting event that is taking place in all spatial dimensions and the dimension of time.
That is complete handicapping.