The Styles of an Application Letter
- The first sentence of an application letter should explain the reason for contacting the employer. Resumes always detail job qualifications and skills, but employers may not know what specific job title is desired or whether you are applying for a full-time, part-time or internship position. Always include this information in the letter. Also consider including how you found out about the job posting, whether it was through the media, a current employee, family or friend. Describe your background and skills and how they relate to the prospective position. If you have little job experience, current school curriculum should be highlighted. The tone of the letter should highlight your personality, professionalism and interest in the company.
- You may desire to contact a specific company and apply for jobs that are currently available. The application letter style should reflect the company's mission statement and your interest and desire to grow within the company.
- Some cover letters are written for a specific job. These letters should indicate the job being sought, along with your experience, skills and qualifications as they relate to the position. Highlight your interest in the job position and company to peak the prospective employer's interest. Use the responsibilities outlined in the job posting in the letter. For example, if a job posting requires working with the public and cash handling, you may want to highlight math and organizational skills, as well as verbal communication skills.
- If you are a recent graduate, you may want to write an inquiry application letter. This letter should detail the degree curriculum or course you took along with the completion date. The bulk of the letter needs to explain your qualifications and the reason you would be a good asset to the company. Conclude the letter by telling the employer that you will follow up in one week to discuss potential positions.
Specific Job
Inquiry Letters