Instant Hemorrhoid Relief in Three Simple Steps
It has been said that hemorrhoids are a common ailment that people suffer.
This statement is not entirely factual.
A hemorrhoid is not an ailment; actually, every person has hemorrhoids.
The term hemorrhoid refers to the veins that supply blood to the anal canal, anus, and the muscle tissue in these areas.
These hemorrhoidal veins go unnoticed until one day there is a problem.
The word "Hemorrhoid" use in the context of everyday speech usually refers to a varicose vein in the anal canal or anus.
Because most people find the subject to be extremely embarrassing a large number of hemorrhoid suffers never seek advice that will help give them hemorrhoid relief.
A varicose hemorrhoidal vein is usually not difficult to treat, perhaps the most difficult part is setting aside the embarrassment one may feel in order to obtain the advice needed to cure the problem and get the needed hemorrhoid relief.
Oftentimes the person suffering from the hemorrhoid tries to ignore the problem in an effort to avoid embarrassment, and it is usually during this denial phase that a small hemorrhoidal issue becomes much more severe.
If the hemorrhoid is properly managed from the outset, the need to visit a health-care provider may not be required.
To treat a hemorrhoid in many cases all you need to do is make a few simple lifestyle adjustments.
These ointments and creams are designed to reduce swelling and inflammation, while relieving itching.
It is a good rule of thumb to remember that these over-the-counter medications are designed to treat the symptoms and not the underlying problem(s) associated with hemorrhoids.
For those who suffer from recurring hemorrhoidal issues you need to address the cause of the problem to achieve permanent hemorrhoid relief.
This statement is not entirely factual.
A hemorrhoid is not an ailment; actually, every person has hemorrhoids.
The term hemorrhoid refers to the veins that supply blood to the anal canal, anus, and the muscle tissue in these areas.
These hemorrhoidal veins go unnoticed until one day there is a problem.
The word "Hemorrhoid" use in the context of everyday speech usually refers to a varicose vein in the anal canal or anus.
Because most people find the subject to be extremely embarrassing a large number of hemorrhoid suffers never seek advice that will help give them hemorrhoid relief.
A varicose hemorrhoidal vein is usually not difficult to treat, perhaps the most difficult part is setting aside the embarrassment one may feel in order to obtain the advice needed to cure the problem and get the needed hemorrhoid relief.
Oftentimes the person suffering from the hemorrhoid tries to ignore the problem in an effort to avoid embarrassment, and it is usually during this denial phase that a small hemorrhoidal issue becomes much more severe.
If the hemorrhoid is properly managed from the outset, the need to visit a health-care provider may not be required.
To treat a hemorrhoid in many cases all you need to do is make a few simple lifestyle adjustments.
- Reducing PressureA common cause that leads to the bulging of the hemorrhoidal veins is added pressure due to straining during bowel movements.
Oftentimes, the straining is caused by constipation.
A short-term solution to constipation is taking stool softeners.
Long-term solutions to constipation include eating the proper amounts of fiber and drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. - Soothe the AreaIf you are currently suffering and need immediate hemorrhoid relief, soaking in a tub of plain warm water for 10 to 15 minutes, three times per day can help soothe the area.
The warm water will also increase blood flow, which will help in the healing process.
If you are also dealing with itchiness, soaking in the water will help to reduce this.
- Hands Off It is imperative that you refrain from scratching.
Scratching will only irritate the inflamed tissue and will make the hemorrhoid more susceptible to infection.
Applying witch-hazel will help to keep the inflamed and irritated area clean and reduce itchiness.
It is important to note again that scratching can lead to infection; this will prolong one's ability to get hemorrhoid relief.
These ointments and creams are designed to reduce swelling and inflammation, while relieving itching.
It is a good rule of thumb to remember that these over-the-counter medications are designed to treat the symptoms and not the underlying problem(s) associated with hemorrhoids.
For those who suffer from recurring hemorrhoidal issues you need to address the cause of the problem to achieve permanent hemorrhoid relief.