B - French Pronunciation of B
The letter B in French is very easy. It is pronounced just like the English language B, except for one thing: it is not aspirated (no air should be expelled from the mouth when saying B in French): listen.
French words with B
Click on the links below to hear the words pronounced in French:
bas (low)
bonbons (candy)
abricot (apricot)
chambre (bedroom)
soulager (to relieve)
pâtes (pasta)
bras (arm)
You are here:Learn French > French for Beginners > Pronunciation > Letters > Consonants > B
French words with B
Click on the links below to hear the words pronounced in French:
bas (low)
bonbons (candy)
abricot (apricot)
chambre (bedroom)
soulager (to relieve)
pâtes (pasta)
bras (arm)
You are here:Learn French > French for Beginners > Pronunciation > Letters > Consonants > B