Definition: to saw (up, off)
Qui a scié cet arbre ? - Who sawed up this tree?
(informal) to stagger, bowl over; to bore
Ça m'a scié ! - It staggered me!
Ce livre m'a scié - This book bored me silly
Related: une scie - saw, une scierie - sawmill, un scieur - sawyer
(click the little red + white graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [syay]
Qui a scié cet arbre ? - Who sawed up this tree?
(informal) to stagger, bowl over; to bore
Ça m'a scié ! - It staggered me!
Ce livre m'a scié - This book bored me silly
Related: une scie - saw, une scierie - sawmill, un scieur - sawyer
(click the little red + white graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [syay]