How to Solve Relationship Problems
It seems the list of reasons a relationship fails is unending.
The things that irritate us about each other can sometimes seem so long it's a wonder that anyone stays together at all.
In this article I'm going to go over a few reasons why some relationships fail and what you can do to solve relationship problems.
What went wrong? The majority of all relationship problems are caused by the following issues: 1.
Cheating Relationships are based on trust, and the cornerstone of that trust is an exclusive physical bond.
When one of the partners violates that trust by being unfaithful, the setback is difficult to recover from.
If the relationship survives there is always going to be doubt about the level of trust between you.
The best way to recover from this problem is never to put yourself in that position in the first place.
Boring Some relationships just get dull.
One partner or the other, or sometimes both, will realize they are not having fun in the relationship anymore.
The worst part is when two people realize they are still together out of habit, not out of love.
Restoring a flame is possible, but when your relationship gets to this point you need to know that it is going to take some effort to pick it up and get going again.
Control Freak A controlling partner wants to mold someone into their idea of a perfect partner.
They won't trust them enough to give them freedom to grow and be themselves.
When you don't trust your partner it is always difficult to be in a relationship.
From the other perspective, having a controlling partner is a nightmare.
You don't have room to be you, or the freedom to enjoy the things that make you happy.
You are smothered and unhappy.
It's not the end of the road when a relationship goes down this path, but it is difficult for a controlling partner to give up their control.
Here are some things you can do to solve relationship problems: 1.
Start Over Sometimes a relationship is a little old and stale.
Well there's no reason to let that stay the case.
Seduce your partner all over again.
Go on dates, do something that you really enjoy together.
Fall in love with each other all over again.
We all know that when a relationship is in the honeymoon stage we overlook a lot of imperfections, so why not rediscover that honeymoon phase.
Remind each other of all the things you loved about each other back when you first got together.
Address Your Problems It sounds simple, but you'd be amazed at how many people can pinpoint the problem with their relationship and yet have done nothing to fix it.
I'm not saying that all relationship problems are simple, but I will say that all problems are simpler once you have defined them.
Can you point at one single thing in your relationship, that if you could solve would make your life better? Most people can, and it's usually something with an obvious answer.
If it's boredom then go and do something interesting.
If it's money the think of something you can do together to earn a few dollars.
The important thing is to identify what is making you unhappy and then ask each other how you can fix it.
Show Appreciation Everyone wants to be appreciated.
Being taken for granted is probably the most common cause of annoyance in a relationship.
Generally people do not complain when they are neglected, they retreat into a shell.
Often the offending person has no idea what they have done wrong.
Over time resentment builds up and will generally all come out at once.
It's simple to solve this relationship problem, just be aware of the little things that your partner does and thank them.
You should also find a special treat for them.
Something they really like that is all about them.
It may be a special meal, or a back massage, every now and then you should do something special, just for them.
You can solve relationship problems you may have with your partner and begin rebuilding your bond together.
The things that irritate us about each other can sometimes seem so long it's a wonder that anyone stays together at all.
In this article I'm going to go over a few reasons why some relationships fail and what you can do to solve relationship problems.
What went wrong? The majority of all relationship problems are caused by the following issues: 1.
Cheating Relationships are based on trust, and the cornerstone of that trust is an exclusive physical bond.
When one of the partners violates that trust by being unfaithful, the setback is difficult to recover from.
If the relationship survives there is always going to be doubt about the level of trust between you.
The best way to recover from this problem is never to put yourself in that position in the first place.
Boring Some relationships just get dull.
One partner or the other, or sometimes both, will realize they are not having fun in the relationship anymore.
The worst part is when two people realize they are still together out of habit, not out of love.
Restoring a flame is possible, but when your relationship gets to this point you need to know that it is going to take some effort to pick it up and get going again.
Control Freak A controlling partner wants to mold someone into their idea of a perfect partner.
They won't trust them enough to give them freedom to grow and be themselves.
When you don't trust your partner it is always difficult to be in a relationship.
From the other perspective, having a controlling partner is a nightmare.
You don't have room to be you, or the freedom to enjoy the things that make you happy.
You are smothered and unhappy.
It's not the end of the road when a relationship goes down this path, but it is difficult for a controlling partner to give up their control.
Here are some things you can do to solve relationship problems: 1.
Start Over Sometimes a relationship is a little old and stale.
Well there's no reason to let that stay the case.
Seduce your partner all over again.
Go on dates, do something that you really enjoy together.
Fall in love with each other all over again.
We all know that when a relationship is in the honeymoon stage we overlook a lot of imperfections, so why not rediscover that honeymoon phase.
Remind each other of all the things you loved about each other back when you first got together.
Address Your Problems It sounds simple, but you'd be amazed at how many people can pinpoint the problem with their relationship and yet have done nothing to fix it.
I'm not saying that all relationship problems are simple, but I will say that all problems are simpler once you have defined them.
Can you point at one single thing in your relationship, that if you could solve would make your life better? Most people can, and it's usually something with an obvious answer.
If it's boredom then go and do something interesting.
If it's money the think of something you can do together to earn a few dollars.
The important thing is to identify what is making you unhappy and then ask each other how you can fix it.
Show Appreciation Everyone wants to be appreciated.
Being taken for granted is probably the most common cause of annoyance in a relationship.
Generally people do not complain when they are neglected, they retreat into a shell.
Often the offending person has no idea what they have done wrong.
Over time resentment builds up and will generally all come out at once.
It's simple to solve this relationship problem, just be aware of the little things that your partner does and thank them.
You should also find a special treat for them.
Something they really like that is all about them.
It may be a special meal, or a back massage, every now and then you should do something special, just for them.
You can solve relationship problems you may have with your partner and begin rebuilding your bond together.