How to Make Pump Soap Dispensers
1Choose the container for the soap dispenser. Craft stores offer mason jars and a variety of glass, plastic or Lucite containers. Each one makes a perfect choice as a soap dispenser.
Locate a lid with the pump dispenser attached that fits your choice of container. These are available at most craft stores. If they don't have a lid with the pump dispenser attached, find a lid that fits the container and purchase a separate two-part pump dispenser unit.
Center the rubber washer on the lid and mark the diameter of the inside of the washer. The lid should not be on the container until after you drill the hole.
Make a hole for the dispenser feeding tube to fit through by drilling the lid carefully. Make sure to remove any tiny metal pieces from the lid.
Glue the rubber washer onto the lid with waterproof glue. Make sure to line up the center of the washer with the hole in the lid.
Slide the feeding tube through the hole, screw the lid onto the soap container and attach the top pump section of the dispenser to the top of the feeding tube.
Decorate your handmade pump soap dispenser and fill with your favorite soap.