Kale pakoras (Pan-fried Indian battered kale, a vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free recipe)
Usually, Indian vegetable pakoras are made with cauliflower, onions or potatoes, deep-fried in an Indian-spiced batter, but these are made with kale for plenty of nutrients and fiber, and, they're pan-fried rather than deep-fried to reduce the fat. These kale snacks are vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free.
These little kale pakoras came about because I had a half a bag of kale leftover from a Trader Joe's run and some chickpea flour which my housemates didn't know what to do with. My friend's 11-year old picky eater proclaimed it "chewy" and ate only one, but he liked the flavor and ate the whole thing.
One last tip: I tried several variants of this recipe, and found that the spice blend is very forgiving. So, if you don't have all the spices on hand, just use whatever you do have. I promise you won't even notice.