How to Use Luster Dust Gold
- 1). Pour 1/8 cup of vodka or clear vanilla into a small container. These liquids will evaporate, which is why water is not recommended. Do not use a container larger than a half cup if possible.
- 2). Open the jar of Luster Dust carefully to prevent loosing any dust.
- 3). Dip a small artist's paint brush into the Luster Dust jar, and transfer the dust into a second small container. Do not use a container larger than a half cup if possible.
- 4). Use the same brush to dip into the liquid. Transfer the liquid to the container that holds the dust.
- 5). Mix the dust and the liquid using a swirling motion.
- 6). Keep adding the liquid or dust until the mixture is spreadable.
- 7). Use the brush to paint the dust onto cookies or icing.
- 8). Rinse the brush, and wipe dry.