Beginning Guitar Skills - 3 Need-To-Know Techniques To Improve Your Playing Ability
Beginning guitar skills are what you should be aiming for when you're itching to play songs. There's a lot of great beginning music out there that you can tackle on the guitar if you have the appropriate skills to back them up.
After you establish a strong foundation with your techniques in the beginning, then you can start to enjoy playing how it was intended with less stress and irritation. Here are 3 important tips that starting guitarists should know in order to develop their technique:
1. Chords are the foundation for most songs.
If you want to get anywhere, you need to begin with learning chords. They're a skill just like any other, but they hold more weight and actually create the foundation for each and every song that you'll play from now on.
A good place to start with this beginning guitar skill is to find a chord chart in a book or from a poster and learn a few different formations each week. Even after you learn three, you can start to play actual songs! Just surf the web or a book and look up tunes that only require three chords to play. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
2. Double-picking keeps your hand relaxed and gets your riffs faster.
Guitarists that are skilled in double-picking know how to get some serious speed from their riffs. You can begin by picking straight down, but eventually you'll need to develop into double-picking because you're only tapping into about half of your speed potential.
Double-picking simply means that you strike a string with your pick by moving downwards and then strike it again as you pull the pick back up. Learn to steady your movements so that you almost can't tell a difference between the two hits on the string and that each strike comes within a consistent tempo.
3. Sliding helps you to transition more smoothly between notes and chords.
For players with a more rigid sense of talent, sliding between each note can start to smooth things out for you. This is one of those beginning guitar skills that is pretty simple, but may not be the most obvious to some.
Simply put, when you have a note or chord to reach that's more than five frets away, don't feel obligated to make a clean break from the previous one to the next. Add sliding to your beginning guitar skills and let your fingers glide over the strings to the next formation.
After you establish a strong foundation with your techniques in the beginning, then you can start to enjoy playing how it was intended with less stress and irritation. Here are 3 important tips that starting guitarists should know in order to develop their technique:
1. Chords are the foundation for most songs.
If you want to get anywhere, you need to begin with learning chords. They're a skill just like any other, but they hold more weight and actually create the foundation for each and every song that you'll play from now on.
A good place to start with this beginning guitar skill is to find a chord chart in a book or from a poster and learn a few different formations each week. Even after you learn three, you can start to play actual songs! Just surf the web or a book and look up tunes that only require three chords to play. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
2. Double-picking keeps your hand relaxed and gets your riffs faster.
Guitarists that are skilled in double-picking know how to get some serious speed from their riffs. You can begin by picking straight down, but eventually you'll need to develop into double-picking because you're only tapping into about half of your speed potential.
Double-picking simply means that you strike a string with your pick by moving downwards and then strike it again as you pull the pick back up. Learn to steady your movements so that you almost can't tell a difference between the two hits on the string and that each strike comes within a consistent tempo.
3. Sliding helps you to transition more smoothly between notes and chords.
For players with a more rigid sense of talent, sliding between each note can start to smooth things out for you. This is one of those beginning guitar skills that is pretty simple, but may not be the most obvious to some.
Simply put, when you have a note or chord to reach that's more than five frets away, don't feel obligated to make a clean break from the previous one to the next. Add sliding to your beginning guitar skills and let your fingers glide over the strings to the next formation.