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Pro Tips on AdSense

In case you're asking.
What the heck is this AdSense thing and why are so many people talking about it? Ok, AdSense was created by Google as a way to monetize webmasters for putting Google ads on their website.
As you know, Google makes lots of money from their search engine.
Every time someone clicks on a Google ads, (sponsored ads) an advertiser will have to pay Google based on how much he bid to get his site seen by a potential customer.
As an AdSense publisher, you allow Google to place ads on your site, so that when someone clicks on the ads.
Google will share part of the earnings they get from the advertiser with you.
Until now, no one knows exactly how much Google split the share with its publisher but some sources say that can be as high as 78%.
(Google gets 22%) So, you got your AdSense code, placed it onto your website and what's next? Logically speaking, what follows should be quite simple.
Get as many people to click on your ads and viola! You've got some money into your AdSense account.
Now, before you let your imagination run wild..
check out Google's terms and conditions.
Many people have got their AdSense account banned or remove without even knowing what happen.
If you really want to make a decent income out of AdSense, you have to consider the following.
Keyword selection - Cost per click 2.
Click through rate - Which is the actual amount of clicks you get of out 100 exposures.
Traffic to your site - without which, your AdSense site is meaningless.
Keyword selection Before you start placing AdSense code onto your site.
You have to consider the theme and content of your site and optimize it with the right keywords as this would attract the relevant ads to you page.
Also different ads command different price.
So you would want to talk about content (keywords) that brings you the best cost per click.
(Meaning you earn more when someone click on your ads.
) Click through rate If you have 100 visitors to your site and 50 of them click on your ads, ( any ads from Google ) then your CTR is 50%.
Theoretically, the higher your CTR the better.
However, in reality not all visitors who visit your site will click on your ads and that's normal.
In fact, if your CTR is unrealistically high, Google will start to suspect you and may give you a warning or even banned you without warning.
(This is true as it has happened to one of my friend) So, never try to click on your own ads or tell your friends to do that unless you want to end your AdSense career very soon.
Typically, CTR can range from 3% to as high as 30%.
Some tips to increase your CTR includes the following.
Make sure your ads do not look like an ad.
(remove borders, blend colours with background etc) 2.
Do not choose the typically 468x60 and 234x60 banner type, as this results in "banner blindness " (nobody likes to click on banners ) 3.
Placing a picture over your AdSense ad is one trick experts use to drastically improve their CRT.
(up to 300% for me) Traffic Well..
now we come to the crucial part.
Without traffic, the best website in the world is dead.
(no clicks, no money) The best way to get free traffic is through Search engine optimization which gives you free exposure.
However, this will require some SEO knowledge to implement.
You can also write articles and submit to directories or ezines.
This is a very effective way to get long term traffic and it adds to your website ranking as well.
The fastest way is through pay per click search engines.
However, to do this effectively and economically.
You would have to use a method of arbitraging.
if your CTR is 3%.
and you spend $0.
05 per click to get your visitors.
Then you will have to make at least $5 from these 3 click to break even) This method costs you money, but you get quick traffic.
Just make sure that you don't spend more than you earn.
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