Signs & Symptoms of Acid Reflux Cough
- Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid or bile flows into the esophagus, causing irritation. The most common symptom of acid reflux is heartburn, but the condition also causes irritation to the esophagus and may cause a chronic cough, a respiratory problem known as acid reflux cough. Doctors diagnose acid reflux cough or laryngopharyngeal reflux by examining the voice box and throat of patients with throat symptoms. Patients undergo a barium swallow test and pH monitoring tests to determine that acid reflux is the cause of throat symptoms.
- Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx and the area surrounding the voice box. The inflammation causes the voice to sound hoarse and some patients cannot speak louder than a whisper.
Acid reflux causes the inflammation of the larynx and the laryngitis in some cases. The larynx becomes inflamed when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus to the throat. Stomach acids contain enzymes that can break down tissue and cause a great deal of damage to the throat.
Using a humidifier or steam from a bowl of water helps to keep the throat moist and helps soothe laryngitis. - Chronic acid reflux causes the throat to become sore and irritated in some cases. An acid reflux cough is painful and causes pain when swallowing. Patients with an acid reflux cough and sore throat may also feel like there is a lump in their throat, which makes it difficult to swallow.
Relief for a sore throat from acid reflux includes gargling with warm salt water, sucking on hard candy or throat lozenges, or using a humidifier, according to the Mayo Clinic. - Wheezing is a whistling sound that occurs during breathing. The condition occurs when air flows through narrowed breathing tubes. With patients suffering from acid reflux, an inflammation of the bronchial tubes causes the narrowing that results in wheezing.
Treatment for wheezing includes sitting in a room with moist warm air such as a steam room or a bathroom with a hot shower running. Treatments for wheezing when it is caused by asthma include a bronchodilator or inhaled corticosteroid. When the cause of wheezing is determined to be acid reflux cough, the treatment focuses on treating acid reflux.
When wheezing occurs with extreme shortness of breath, immediate medical attention is necessary. Extreme narrowing of the breathing tubes may result in a lack of oxygen (hypoxia), causing mental confusion or a blue tinge to the skin. The brain responds quickly to lack of oxygen and can begin to die five minutes after breathing has stopped. Mild hypoxia symptoms include a change in judgement and a lack of coordination. Severe lack of oxygen leads to coma and death. - The acid reflux cough may become chronic if the acid reflux is not under control. Treatment for acid reflux cough or laryngopharyngeal reflux includes medications to prevent stomach acid from flowing into the esophagus and on to the throat.
Dietary changes may help the condition as well as lifestyle changes such as weight loss and consuming smaller meals. Excess weight causes pressure on the abdomen, which forces stomach acids into the esophagus and throat. Smaller meals also prevents pressure on the abdomen. There are no foods that cause acid reflux, but some patients find that particular foods trigger symptoms. A food journal helps patients pinpoint the foods that cause acid reflux symptoms.
Sore Throat