Higgs Boson And The Love Of God
The Higgs boson or 'God particle' are common expressions these days.
But for me to talk about the love of God in the same breath, might be stretching things! But then, what in the first place has it got to do with physics to call a particle of matter, 'God'? I am going to suggest that there's a closer connection than you think.
· A God Particle Just why 'God' should be linked to one incredibly small, field force particle - what's the point of the link up? A plausible version of events has author and physicist Leon Lederman, expressing the elusive nature of this particle by adding an expletive to "God".
But his publishers felt the offending word was best left out of his 1994 book title, and edited it to, "The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?" and the name has stuck ever since.
What this now conjures up in people's minds are, perhaps, a variety of things, all equally vague and little to do with science.
Here are three of them: With the physics behind this particle more clearly understood, we don't need a "God of the gaps" to explain the universe any more.
Or; as the Higgs boson is behind the forces exerted by mass, constraining reality to be the way it is, we can dispense with any old-fashioned talk of God holding everything together and use this new expression instead.
Or, at a time when atheism is apparently gaining ground, let's use "God" as a powerful mystical word, emptied of conventional meaning and apply it to one of the fundamental concepts of physical reality.
· Reality Beyond Particles What we must not overlook is that the conjunction, 'God' with 'particle' in this way is meaningless and sceptical.
Higgs boson, if it is a particle, or set of particles, offers an explanation for matter exerting the force of mass.
Of course, understanding the natural physical reality is certainly a valid pursuit but, as ever, a lot depends on which key you use to interpret your findings.
After all, it is human persons that are researching this marvellous reality and we are inclined to overlook the interpersonal influences - such things as trust, understanding, integrity, perseverance and love.
And we are inclined to overlook that our own minds project the significance and meaning we see in reality through the lens of our wider belief system - our world view.
· Non-Material Concepts What I find is that people with an atheistic or secular world view - and this is relevant because Peter Higgs is an atheist - are also using non-material concepts to interpret reality.
Such non-material values also have a deep personal appeal to the atheist and the secular mind, which often has a strong dislike of injustice or suffering or Christian teaching about the cross of Christ and sin.
Of course, he or she will often account for this by seeing them as acquired through natural selection.
But they often attribute an objective reality to these immaterial values that do not extend in space, and use them in making moral judgements against, say, biblical teaching on sin or God's character and use them critically as if they themselves are on the side of ultimate truth.
So, while denying there is an objective morality, they want to appeal to it as if it was objective when they criticise God for his negative verdict on rebellious and sinful unbelief, of the kind expressed by atheists! They thus appeal to what they also deny; immaterial, abstract values such as universal moral standards.
· Love is stronger! Well, what is it to be - physical forces at the heart of reality, offering an explanation for the ultimate meaning of everything, once we have cracked the gravitational field, or are we willing to consider that as persons, we cannot merely be reduced to sub-atomic particles and fundamental forces.
After all, it is as persons that we are able to engage in researching reality, able as it were to stand outside of it, and even attempt to be self analytical, as if we possessed an independence to interpret what we see, including ourselves.
Alas, this is where we go astray, thinking we possess supreme wisdom, while denying the answers revealed by God, the final uncreated Person, who is also love (1 John 4:8).
For he, the living God, who has written such amazing understandability into the universe, giving Peter Higgs the capacity to postulate the necessity of a boson particle, is also the God of love and truth.
For here, beyond the Higgs boson, is the most powerful self-giving dynamic in the universe - the sacrifice, appalling and shocking as it is, of the eternal Son of God Himself! This is redeeming love, a just love that pays the ultimate price for sin, a love that prompted Charles Wesley to cry out in wonder: 'Amazing love! How can it be, that Thou my God shouldst die for me!' Here in the death of Christ is a power to move and melt the hardest hearts! · Love beyond limits! Forget Higgs boson for the moment, because you won't be thinking about sub-atomic particles in a hundred years time! Then you will either be marvelling that such love was poured out for a rebel sinner as yourself, or you will be filled with the most dreadful and unending, awful remorse that you scoffed at those who would see you reconciled to God and ridiculed the divine Redeemer, who having made all things by the word of his power, then humbled himself and became obedient to death, even to death on a cross, that we might be reconciled to God! (See Hebrews 1:3 and Philippians 2:8).
· A view of the invisible! As deeply complex as the material world of the Higgs boson is, in comparison with the unfathomable love of Jesus it pales to insignificance.
Yes, by all means admire the somewhat tenuous confirmation of the Higgs boson, but be amazed beyond comprehension and for all eternity at the matchless love of Christ! For, yes on the cross, God in Christ was damned - not as a verbal expletive, but willingly bearing the judgement due to others, so they might justly go free.
Then carefully consider Katharine Kelly's words - "Give me a sight O Saviour of Thy wondrous love to me, of the love that brought Thee down to earth to die on Calvary...
Was it the nails, O Saviour, that bound Thee to the tree? Nay, 'twas Thine everlasting love, Thy love for me, for me" - then accept the "wonder of all wonders" - that your open sins and secret sins "can all forgiven be!"
But for me to talk about the love of God in the same breath, might be stretching things! But then, what in the first place has it got to do with physics to call a particle of matter, 'God'? I am going to suggest that there's a closer connection than you think.
· A God Particle Just why 'God' should be linked to one incredibly small, field force particle - what's the point of the link up? A plausible version of events has author and physicist Leon Lederman, expressing the elusive nature of this particle by adding an expletive to "God".
But his publishers felt the offending word was best left out of his 1994 book title, and edited it to, "The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?" and the name has stuck ever since.
What this now conjures up in people's minds are, perhaps, a variety of things, all equally vague and little to do with science.
Here are three of them: With the physics behind this particle more clearly understood, we don't need a "God of the gaps" to explain the universe any more.
Or; as the Higgs boson is behind the forces exerted by mass, constraining reality to be the way it is, we can dispense with any old-fashioned talk of God holding everything together and use this new expression instead.
Or, at a time when atheism is apparently gaining ground, let's use "God" as a powerful mystical word, emptied of conventional meaning and apply it to one of the fundamental concepts of physical reality.
· Reality Beyond Particles What we must not overlook is that the conjunction, 'God' with 'particle' in this way is meaningless and sceptical.
Higgs boson, if it is a particle, or set of particles, offers an explanation for matter exerting the force of mass.
Of course, understanding the natural physical reality is certainly a valid pursuit but, as ever, a lot depends on which key you use to interpret your findings.
After all, it is human persons that are researching this marvellous reality and we are inclined to overlook the interpersonal influences - such things as trust, understanding, integrity, perseverance and love.
And we are inclined to overlook that our own minds project the significance and meaning we see in reality through the lens of our wider belief system - our world view.
· Non-Material Concepts What I find is that people with an atheistic or secular world view - and this is relevant because Peter Higgs is an atheist - are also using non-material concepts to interpret reality.
Such non-material values also have a deep personal appeal to the atheist and the secular mind, which often has a strong dislike of injustice or suffering or Christian teaching about the cross of Christ and sin.
Of course, he or she will often account for this by seeing them as acquired through natural selection.
But they often attribute an objective reality to these immaterial values that do not extend in space, and use them in making moral judgements against, say, biblical teaching on sin or God's character and use them critically as if they themselves are on the side of ultimate truth.
So, while denying there is an objective morality, they want to appeal to it as if it was objective when they criticise God for his negative verdict on rebellious and sinful unbelief, of the kind expressed by atheists! They thus appeal to what they also deny; immaterial, abstract values such as universal moral standards.
· Love is stronger! Well, what is it to be - physical forces at the heart of reality, offering an explanation for the ultimate meaning of everything, once we have cracked the gravitational field, or are we willing to consider that as persons, we cannot merely be reduced to sub-atomic particles and fundamental forces.
After all, it is as persons that we are able to engage in researching reality, able as it were to stand outside of it, and even attempt to be self analytical, as if we possessed an independence to interpret what we see, including ourselves.
Alas, this is where we go astray, thinking we possess supreme wisdom, while denying the answers revealed by God, the final uncreated Person, who is also love (1 John 4:8).
For he, the living God, who has written such amazing understandability into the universe, giving Peter Higgs the capacity to postulate the necessity of a boson particle, is also the God of love and truth.
For here, beyond the Higgs boson, is the most powerful self-giving dynamic in the universe - the sacrifice, appalling and shocking as it is, of the eternal Son of God Himself! This is redeeming love, a just love that pays the ultimate price for sin, a love that prompted Charles Wesley to cry out in wonder: 'Amazing love! How can it be, that Thou my God shouldst die for me!' Here in the death of Christ is a power to move and melt the hardest hearts! · Love beyond limits! Forget Higgs boson for the moment, because you won't be thinking about sub-atomic particles in a hundred years time! Then you will either be marvelling that such love was poured out for a rebel sinner as yourself, or you will be filled with the most dreadful and unending, awful remorse that you scoffed at those who would see you reconciled to God and ridiculed the divine Redeemer, who having made all things by the word of his power, then humbled himself and became obedient to death, even to death on a cross, that we might be reconciled to God! (See Hebrews 1:3 and Philippians 2:8).
· A view of the invisible! As deeply complex as the material world of the Higgs boson is, in comparison with the unfathomable love of Jesus it pales to insignificance.
Yes, by all means admire the somewhat tenuous confirmation of the Higgs boson, but be amazed beyond comprehension and for all eternity at the matchless love of Christ! For, yes on the cross, God in Christ was damned - not as a verbal expletive, but willingly bearing the judgement due to others, so they might justly go free.
Then carefully consider Katharine Kelly's words - "Give me a sight O Saviour of Thy wondrous love to me, of the love that brought Thee down to earth to die on Calvary...
Was it the nails, O Saviour, that bound Thee to the tree? Nay, 'twas Thine everlasting love, Thy love for me, for me" - then accept the "wonder of all wonders" - that your open sins and secret sins "can all forgiven be!"