Youth Counselor Responsibilities
- For a youth counselor to be effective in helping children, the counselor must first develop a positive relationship with the kids, demonstrate genuine care and concern, and show a high level of understanding. The counselor should demonstrate respect and empathy for the child. Youth counselors must create a safe environment where youth can open up and discuss their problems. Children can feel lost, lonely and abandoned; they need a safe haven where they can be themselves and talk about anything. The youth counselor's first duty is to provide that safe haven and be there for the child.
- The youth counselor must assess what is really happening in the child's life. To make the correct assessment, the counselor first needs to gather information relating to the circumstances that contribute to the problem. Factors may include a broken home, physical abuse, sexual abuse, parents who are constantly fighting, mixing with the wrong group of friends or the youth's behavior patterns. Making an assessment involves determining whether change is necessary and what needs to be changed. An effective assessment will help the child see how behavior and attitude may contribute to the problem.
- Youth counselors have a duty to counsel children and sometimes families. This can be done through parent-and-child mediation, family counseling, adolescent counseling and group counseling to help children and teens conquer grief, loss, divorce, insecurities, unhealthy lifestyle choices, substance abuse and conflicts with parents. Through counseling and education, the counselor seeks to improve the relationship between parents and children, teachers and children, and community and children. Counselors help children to make the transition to new schools, new neighborhoods and new communities.
- Counselors meet with kids individually, listen to what they have to say, make an informed assessment and then help them work toward solutions. The aim is to help individuals grow into confident, educated people rather than dysfunctional adults. Youth counselors meet frequently with kids to help them develop strategies and skills for change, growth and development. This may be done through facilitating workshops that instruct individuals on anger management, self-building initiatives and life skills. Counselors can encourage and facilitate participation in activities that include drama, art, music and sports to encourage a team spirit and improved social skills.
Develop Relationships
Working Toward Solutions