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Mystery of Charms


Charms the name itself gives a beautiful sensation. History of the charms is long lasting. It starts from funky to precious Jewellery. Charms can be reasonable, capricious, magical, lovable or many more. These magical pieces offer us Love, Luck and protection. There are so many things which is used as charms from past to present life. They may be
  • Cowries Shell
  • Fossil teeth of fish
  • Horn of Unicorn
  • Talismans
  • Tiger's claw
  •  horse shoe
  • Seeds of plants
  • Feather of birds
  • Rosaries
  • Crosses
  • Stars
  • Heart
  • Crosses
  • Gemstones

And many more with no ends of list. Charms not only give beauty but it had religious and magical significance. Charms reflect the individuality of wearer. Now a day it becomes more individual and momentous. It can be worn in different form as an Anklet, Fasten to a hand bag, and Tucked in a pocket, tied in a Key Chain, Collars of Loved pet, waist belt, cellphone –strap, amulet, pendent and many more. Bracelets are the most familiar in jewellery pieces.

The earliest piece of the jewellery is ‘Cowries-shell'. It was worn 20,000 years ago to enhance fertility and avert the evil's eye. ‘Fossil teeth of fish', is believed that it is used to cure dropsy and spleen. It was giving a special protector to a new born child.' Horn of Unicorn' is actually the horn of Narwhal. It is very rare and difficult to find and it was believed that it contained magical properties and could detect poison.' Talisman' is the name given to the piece of jewellery for lucky charms their allure is as strong as it was for our ancestors. The se objects give magical power of planetary influences. ‘Tiger claw' is a charm and is believed if worn it gives the power of tiger to ward off evil.

‘Rosaries' are the beads kinds of things used in catholic Christian churches .for cure from illness.

Crosses' are the beautiful  and most important charms in the devotion collection thousand of year back Greek used to wear crosses which are crude and of equal length.' the Tsar crosses' are the most important crosses from London and are comes from Russia. ‘The Maltese Cross ‘was a popular in 800B.C. and is means for Divine, Protection & prosperity.' Stars' are the Universal Symbol of the Spirit. In Jude and Islamic Culture the Stars are used against misfortune and Evil.' Hearts' Is the Symbol of Love. It is a symbol of life, romance and sentiments. In 17th century it was believed that mother leave babies at orphanage with the shape of heart as a symbol of continuing maternal presence as well as future protection.

Gemstones themselves convey a sentiment talking from amber to turquoise every stone has its own history and associate for some or other passion. ‘Amber ‘is used in ancient Rome for Remedy of Sore Throat recently the amber beads  is  used for the infant babies to make teething less painful and teeth grow stronger.,'Lapizlazuli' is regarded as stone of friend ship and Truth. ‘Emerald' in ancient Rome was the Colour of Venus, The colour of Beauty and Love. ‘Ruby' mean Passion it gives warmth and fiery feeling to wearer. ‘Sapphires' are wisdom, sympathy, Loyalty. ‘Amethyst' was the stone of bishops and cardinals. Large number of astonishing power is attributed with amethyst. It is believed that if worn round the neck protect against snake bites. ‘Opals' from ages believed to be used as a healing power. It is also believed that opals are able to solve depression and help wearer to find true and real love. ‘Topaz' comes in many colors and meant that is reputed to men handsome and intelligent and makes women fertile and happy.  Jade is a gemstone with energy. This beautiful gemstone gives joy, vivacity and happiness to wearer.  ‘Corals' and their use have been part of religious beliefs for centuries. This is more so in the Buddhist Religion where the lamas revere the Coral and use it for their rituals. Coral gemstone is useful for enhancing self-confidence, administrative capability and the power of utilizing the rights in social & political spheres. The earliest ‘turquoise' mines can be traced back to as early as 3500 B.C. Throughout time, turquoise has been thought of as a stone with magical properties and ancient folklore tells us that the stone can bring about good luck in matters of health, money and romance.

The language of sentiment of charm was still continuing in 20th century. These magical trinkets are popularly gifted to celebrate from the marriage to the arrival of new born. Aaron Basha United States Company is signified for his enameled baby shoe charms. Link of London hung enchanting miniature, items such as shoes, baby carriage and toy animals. List is endless but the beauty of these magical charms still continuing ……..
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