Capitalize On Those Coffee Breaks And Water Cooler Trips
At work, you see them - the water cooler troupe and the caffeine junkies. Each crowd has their unspoken rules. The common ground they share is the personalized mugs they show off around. How do they get along?
You the Coffee Nut?
Coffee nuts have their systems wired to the 11th hour. It is a necessity. Nothing stops them from preparing their favorite potion, be it espresso or brewed. They must have their fix before the lunch hour, or they'll go bust. Work has to be shelved awhile and legs stretched. Perhaps it's time to catch up with the latest gossip, too.
The moment the "elevenses" strike, the personalized mugs in different shapes and colors are disgorged from their hiding places. Loners just get up to make their coffee and swirl the espresso absently, thinking of the work load to finish before the dismissal bell rings.
The hyperactive homo gulps the coffee down in seconds; never mind if it's steaming hot. The more sociable gather round an appointed nook and chat up each other. Doughnuts go around with titillating gossip to max up the break.
The Starbucks across the street has become a favorite haven for workers who prefer coffee fit for the connoisseur. You can always hop across for a bit of sun on the way to have that ice cream coffee or hot Italian espresso. Sure, it costs another dollar, but what the heck. Thanks to Pan American Coffee Bureau for starting the trend for coffee breaks in America.
The Water Cooler Gang
Coffee imbibers can always change skin. They can join the water cooler gang. No time to wait for the elevenses if you want a paper cup of cold refreshing water to cool yourself in-between piles of documents to compute. There's bound to be somebody at the water cooler ready to pounce on the unwary.
The water cooler is the best place to practice pick up lines. If you're new to the workplace, keep an eye on the flirts and the Casanova. Don't take their lines seriously. It's their kind of fun. Their lines may be harmless and hilarious if you aren't the type to cringe at every innuendo. You can stack up on these pick up lines and practice them somewhere else just to find out if these will work for you.
Make Those Breaks Count
Coffee breaks or water cooler jaunts - these can be used to your advantage. Listen to what everybody is saying. You can always find someone who can teach you some tricks to make your computer work easier, or someone who provides easy loans with little or no interest.
Here are some tips to spur your career at the water cooler or during those coffee breaks:
* Find out about vacancies that offer bigger pay. Make sure, though, you have the skills.
* Volunteer for office activities when you hear there's an extra hand needed.
* Listen to tips on how to get a raise.
* Discover official reasons why some people were fired so you won't make those mistakes unknowingly.
Whether you are a coffee nut or a water cooler trekker, there are opportunities waiting if you just keep a sane head on. There is no quarrel, really, between the coffee nuts and the water cooler gang.
You the Coffee Nut?
Coffee nuts have their systems wired to the 11th hour. It is a necessity. Nothing stops them from preparing their favorite potion, be it espresso or brewed. They must have their fix before the lunch hour, or they'll go bust. Work has to be shelved awhile and legs stretched. Perhaps it's time to catch up with the latest gossip, too.
The moment the "elevenses" strike, the personalized mugs in different shapes and colors are disgorged from their hiding places. Loners just get up to make their coffee and swirl the espresso absently, thinking of the work load to finish before the dismissal bell rings.
The hyperactive homo gulps the coffee down in seconds; never mind if it's steaming hot. The more sociable gather round an appointed nook and chat up each other. Doughnuts go around with titillating gossip to max up the break.
The Starbucks across the street has become a favorite haven for workers who prefer coffee fit for the connoisseur. You can always hop across for a bit of sun on the way to have that ice cream coffee or hot Italian espresso. Sure, it costs another dollar, but what the heck. Thanks to Pan American Coffee Bureau for starting the trend for coffee breaks in America.
The Water Cooler Gang
Coffee imbibers can always change skin. They can join the water cooler gang. No time to wait for the elevenses if you want a paper cup of cold refreshing water to cool yourself in-between piles of documents to compute. There's bound to be somebody at the water cooler ready to pounce on the unwary.
The water cooler is the best place to practice pick up lines. If you're new to the workplace, keep an eye on the flirts and the Casanova. Don't take their lines seriously. It's their kind of fun. Their lines may be harmless and hilarious if you aren't the type to cringe at every innuendo. You can stack up on these pick up lines and practice them somewhere else just to find out if these will work for you.
Make Those Breaks Count
Coffee breaks or water cooler jaunts - these can be used to your advantage. Listen to what everybody is saying. You can always find someone who can teach you some tricks to make your computer work easier, or someone who provides easy loans with little or no interest.
Here are some tips to spur your career at the water cooler or during those coffee breaks:
* Find out about vacancies that offer bigger pay. Make sure, though, you have the skills.
* Volunteer for office activities when you hear there's an extra hand needed.
* Listen to tips on how to get a raise.
* Discover official reasons why some people were fired so you won't make those mistakes unknowingly.
Whether you are a coffee nut or a water cooler trekker, there are opportunities waiting if you just keep a sane head on. There is no quarrel, really, between the coffee nuts and the water cooler gang.