The Life of a Bouncer
- Bouncers attempt to diffuse situations in which violence could occur by speaking with patrons before ejecting them from a bar or club. Professionals in this occupation may need to resort to physical force to remove dangerous drunk or disorderly patrons from the establishment's premises or to detain a patron until law enforcement arrives.
- A bouncer works during the operating hours of a nightclub or bar, meaning he normally starts his shift in the evening and ends his shift when the establishment closes, often in the early morning. Bouncers may work in crowded and dimly lit establishments where noise levels can cause a distraction while monitoring patron activity.
- According to a survey conducted by PayScale, bouncers received average hourly compensation ranging from $9.06 to $14.54 as of July 2010. Approximately 82 percent of bouncers surveyed by PayScale did not receive any health benefits.
Working Conditions