How to Get Blue to Return in "Pokémon: SoulSilver"
- 1). Turn the Nintendo DS system on and press "Start" at the title screen. Select "Continue" and press "A" to continue your adventure.
- 2). Travel to Pallet Town and enter the house on the right side of town. This is Blue's house. Make sure you have a Pokémon at maximum happiness.
- 3). Talk to the girl in the living room at anytime between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm. This is Blue's sister. She will massage your Pokémon. After five massages, she will give you Blue's phone number.
- 4). Press "Start" and select the "Items" menu. Select "Pokégear" and call Blue. A rematch will be scheduled for Sunday night.
- 5). Travel to Viridian City and enter the gym. Blue will be at the end of the gym.