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Basic Tarot Card Meanings


    Major Arcana Cards

    • "Trump" cards follow the metaphorical "Fool's Journey." The Fool is the innocent soul, and the following 21 cards, in line with Jungian psychology, depict the major themes in life. When interpreting tarot card meanings, consider the impact each theme has on our lives. The journey starts with the Magician (active, conscious) and the High Priestess (passive, unconscious), which represent the male/female archetypes. Next are the parental figures, the Empress (nurture, nature) and the Emperor (structure, authority). The Fool then ventures into the world.

    The Journey

    • The Fool encounters the Hierophant, which represents organized religion. Internal struggles emerge with the Lovers (relationships); the Chariot (control over the ego); and Strength (personal power). He seeks the Hermit (guidance) and begins to see the bigger picture: the Wheel of Fortune (fate). Upon encountering Justice, he begins taking responsibility for himself. Difficulties lead to the Hanged Man (time of suspension; inaction). Taking action results in Death (transition) of the old self and teaches Temperance (balance). He grapples with the Devil (temptation), but the Tower (destruction of the ego) crashing down brings a light at the end of the tunnel--the Star (faith, inspiration). The Moon (subconscious fears) surfaces, but facing it brings him closer to the Sun (enlightenment). Finally, he finds Judgment (absolution, acceptance, forgiveness) and inherits the World (completion; perfection) with a new, experienced outlook.


    • The minor arcana is separated into four suits. Each suit rules over an aspect of life. Swords rule over the intellect and rational thinking. Wands or staves (staffs) rule over matters of passion and creativity. Cups rule over emotions and intuition. Pentacles or coins rule over the material and physical. Whenever a minor arcana card is drawn, the aspect of life it applies to is determined by the suit.


    • Each number has an esoteric meaning in the tarot. "Ones" represent the prime force. The aces (ones) of each suit represent the prime force of that suit. "Twos" represent duality, choices and balance. "Threes" deal with interactions and communications, and "fours" with manifestation. "Fives" deal with action, "Sixes" with reaction, and "Sevens" with thought. "Eights" represent power, "Nines" represent growth and change, and "Tens" represent the culmination, conquering that suit or realm. Put the number with the suit to intuit the meaning of the cards. For example, the three (interactions) of cups (emotion) depicts friendship, while the three of pentacles (materialism) depicts groups working together.

    Court Cards

    • The court cards follow the suits, but each often represents an influential person, perhaps the querent, or seeker, himself, in a certain stage. The Page may represent a youth or someone naive but enthusiastic who is beginning a journey. The Knight represents someone in young adulthood or action-oriented--someone with a cause. The Queen is a woman, or person of middle-age, who embodies the traits of her suit. The King is a man or elder, who is accomplished and has shown mastery in his area. For example, in the Cups (emotions) suit, the Page represents someone with immature feelings, the Knight someone who battles emotions, the Queen someone who embraces and expresses them, and the King someone who controls them.

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