Pagemaker to PDF Conversion
- With Adobe Acrobat, you can convert old Pagemaker files without needing Pagemaker or InDesign. Adobe offers a free trial of Acrobat, which is generally included in the Adobe Creative Suite. If you have Adobe Acrobat, right-click on a Pagemaker file from your computer's hard drive and "Convert to PDF" should be an option that pops up. Scroll to that option and click. Acrobat will convert your file. You can also open Adobe Acrobat and choose "Create a PDF" from the first menu. You will see a "Create PDF" window. Choose "Create PDF from file" and open the Pagemaker file from the "Open" window.
- In Pagemaker you can export a file to PDF from the file menu. The file must already be saved as a Pagemaker file before you can export it as a PDF. From the "File" menu, choose "Export as PDF." Pagemaker will offer you print or "Onscreen" options as PDF files. Print files are designed to print out on paper and often generate larger files. Use "Onscreen" for PDFs that will be viewed on a computer or shared through the Internet.
- In Indesign, go to "File" from the main menu and scroll to "Open." Open your Pagemaker file. Go to "File" and "Save As" to save your new file as an InDesign document. With your updated file, you can make changes to the original Pagemaker file for future use.
- Open your file. Go to "File" and "Export." InDesign generates a copy of your file as a PDF. Adobe Acrobat will automatically open the new file for you to see.
- If you are working with older Pagemaker files, you may want to update the data in the file for quick downloading on the Web. Adobe Acrobat allows you to optimize PDF files---that is, make the file a little smaller for quicker downloading. Use the Optimizing tool from the main file menu in Adobe Acrobat to optimize your file.
Using Adobe Acrobat
Outputting PDF in Pagemaker
Converting Pagemaker Files to InDesign
Using InDesign to Generate a PDF File
Optimizing PDF Files for the Web