Result of Forest Destruction
When people learned to live in new environments, they started to obtain their needs in plentiful supply.
Through their efforts, knowledge, and technology, large areas of forests were cleared and grasslands were plowed to raise crops for consumption of their growing community.
Due to the latitudinal location of some countries and the vast surrounding bodies of water, as well as the climatic conditions, their forests generally are of the tropical rain forest type of biome.
This kind of forest can cover nearly half of their land with a massive total of square kilometres.
Occupying almost all part of their country, the great forests belts are divided into distinct types.
The first one is the primary or virgin forests.
The can be found in lowlands like mangrove, beach, dipterocarp and molave forests.
The second one is the secondary forests.
They are developed from virgin forests through succession by illegal logging system.
The third one are grasslands and open countries.
They are developed from secondary forests.
The fourth one is grassland with patches of secondary forest tree species.
The fifth one is the bamboo thicket meanwhile the sixth are cultivated fields.
Forests are often misused by people.
Immature trees are cut down ruthlessly.
Fires just raze the whole vicinity, thereby destroying living organisms and standing timber, and consuming the seeds and young trees.
Even more, fires, as they bring down many trees to destruction, cause soil erosion and flood in the lower areas.
Indiscriminate logging is another way by which humans mismanage the forests.
The way trees are cut down may or may not restore the same quantity as before.
Other natural factors may bring down forests-insect enemies, grazing and gnawing animals.
Lightning that may cause fires and calamities like storms or strong winds.
That is why we have to take care of our forests to avoid these demoralizing situations.
It is always better to practice good forest management than to suffer in the mere future.
Through their efforts, knowledge, and technology, large areas of forests were cleared and grasslands were plowed to raise crops for consumption of their growing community.
Due to the latitudinal location of some countries and the vast surrounding bodies of water, as well as the climatic conditions, their forests generally are of the tropical rain forest type of biome.
This kind of forest can cover nearly half of their land with a massive total of square kilometres.
Occupying almost all part of their country, the great forests belts are divided into distinct types.
The first one is the primary or virgin forests.
The can be found in lowlands like mangrove, beach, dipterocarp and molave forests.
The second one is the secondary forests.
They are developed from virgin forests through succession by illegal logging system.
The third one are grasslands and open countries.
They are developed from secondary forests.
The fourth one is grassland with patches of secondary forest tree species.
The fifth one is the bamboo thicket meanwhile the sixth are cultivated fields.
Forests are often misused by people.
Immature trees are cut down ruthlessly.
Fires just raze the whole vicinity, thereby destroying living organisms and standing timber, and consuming the seeds and young trees.
Even more, fires, as they bring down many trees to destruction, cause soil erosion and flood in the lower areas.
Indiscriminate logging is another way by which humans mismanage the forests.
The way trees are cut down may or may not restore the same quantity as before.
Other natural factors may bring down forests-insect enemies, grazing and gnawing animals.
Lightning that may cause fires and calamities like storms or strong winds.
That is why we have to take care of our forests to avoid these demoralizing situations.
It is always better to practice good forest management than to suffer in the mere future.