Cheapest Way to Travel by Bus
- If you use the buses of an urban transportation network regularly, and pay the cash fare every time you board, take a look at how much you could save by purchasing a multi-journey pass. Work out how much you pay over a four week period and compare this with the cost of a 30 day pass. If you regularly use more than just a bus to make journeys within an urban area, for example switching from bus to subway, look at passes that can be used on all of the area's modes of transport.
- Commuter bus services operate from outer suburban areas to city centers, and take advantage of bus only traffic lanes to avoid rush hour congestion. "Suburban Transit" is an example of a company offering this type of service. Its buses link Middlesex and Mercer Counties with New York City. For daily commuters, the cheapest way to travel is by purchasing multi-journey tickets. As of April 2011, a round trip between East Brunswick and New York costs $17.90. This means a commuter paying the cash fare five days a week over a four-week period will pay a total of $358. However, a monthly ticket costs just $280. This represents a saving of $78.
- Federal law allows employers to reduce the cost of their employees' commutes by bus and other forms of public transportation. They can do so by offering a tax free employer subsidy, a pre-tax employee-paid payroll deduction or a combination of the two. As of 2010 the tax exempt and pre-tax limits set by the IRS were $230 for public transportation commutes and $460 for commutes involving both car parking and public transportation.
- Advance booking saves you money when you're planning a journey by long distance Greyhound bus between two points in the U.S., or a departure point in the U.S. and a destination in Canada. Booking online also saves money as the company offers cheaper web-only fares. Greyhound offers discounts to children, students, members of the military, veterans and senior citizens. The company's discovery pass provides unlimited travel and stopovers. The pass is available for seven, 15, 30 and 60 days.
Urban Bus Journeys
Commuter Bus Services
IRS Commuter Benefits
Long Distance Bus Travel