Career guidance should not be disregarded
Most young men and women do not understand the importance of career guidance and they make no efforts in that direction. The fact is that career guidance is an extremely significant facet of your life it can facilitate your career advancement and its absence mar it. And the applicability is not restricted to college students who are yet to embark on their career journey. It is equally relevant to working professionals as well.
In the context of your career, what is the connotation of success? It simply manifests the fact that your career is moving in the correct direction. To attain success, you need some regulation and direction so that you make correct decisions at various stages. Not withstanding the foregoing, Indian youth do not realize the preeminence of the issue and hence are reluctant to visit any career counselor.
Your future will be bleak if you do not plan for it. And this has relevance for all age-groups and categories of people. Planning for the future entails proper guidance ab initio. If you are in school or college, your future lies ahead of you and is yet to unfold. You and your parents have to focus on the direction that you would be setting your bearings on. Correct career guidance will help you discern your inclinations and the career options that go with them. The earlier you start planning the better it will be. If you start taking help of a career counselor in the early stages, your preparations for the years to follow will be more thorough.
There is no individual who does not harbor any aspiration. What are your aspirations with regard to your career? To help you discern them, correct guidance will act as a facilitator. Career guidance is an activity that is highly unbiased and offers immense tactical advantages. Your ability to envision your objectives gets a tremendous boost because of it. In its absence, you will not be clear about what you intend to do and seek to attain even a couple of years hence. What, however, is important is hooking on to the right person for direction to identify the career that goes with your personality. And having identified it well in advance, you can begin your groundwork for it.
The world today is a global village where multitudes of career options exist and tyros are likely to get gone astray, given the complexities that prevail therein. In other words young men and women are unable to decide on the most apt career from amongst the horde of options available. They would be plagued with intense misperception and misunderstanding, but with appropriate guidance such problems would get resolved. There will be many people who would be envious of you and may not like to see you do well in your career. Any advice from such quarters is evidently detrimental to your interests and hence the need to identify unprejudiced people for guidance needs no emphasis.
Contests and competitions have become an inherent part of our society today In an environment saturated with struggles and rivalry, you may not be able to run your career race well, at least the first few laps for sure. How can you prevail over such situations? It is only a career guide who can help you do so because he knows and understand various intricacies related to specific career options. Here again, selecting the right person assumes great significance if bewilderment and deceit have to be avoided. Selecting a career has several associated complicated issues. You may like to work in India or abroad. In case you take a decision to stay put in your own country, things may not be that challenging. But if you decide to move to a foreign country, how can you be certain of the prospects there? Career guidance will put things in the correct perspective and you will be able to discern with relative certainty the factual position and if going abroad is indeed a step in the right direction. You may have your friends and relatives out to heap advice on you, but getting one from a professional is the best recourse. Pursuing higher education today is a challenge by itself, more so on account of the costs involved. Imagine how much financial drain you will have to suffer if you were uninformed about the curriculum and colleges offering them. A good career guide can help you identify institutions that fit your budget. This aspect needs serious consideration by parents of wards too for obvious reasons. The significance of career guidance should not be undervalued. In India, where getting into a government job is still a preferred option, other alternatives stand relegated. However, you need to have an open mind towards your career. Career guidance does precisely that and makes things relatively stress-free. It is high time that you identify a professional career guide to steer you.
In the context of your career, what is the connotation of success? It simply manifests the fact that your career is moving in the correct direction. To attain success, you need some regulation and direction so that you make correct decisions at various stages. Not withstanding the foregoing, Indian youth do not realize the preeminence of the issue and hence are reluctant to visit any career counselor.
Your future will be bleak if you do not plan for it. And this has relevance for all age-groups and categories of people. Planning for the future entails proper guidance ab initio. If you are in school or college, your future lies ahead of you and is yet to unfold. You and your parents have to focus on the direction that you would be setting your bearings on. Correct career guidance will help you discern your inclinations and the career options that go with them. The earlier you start planning the better it will be. If you start taking help of a career counselor in the early stages, your preparations for the years to follow will be more thorough.
There is no individual who does not harbor any aspiration. What are your aspirations with regard to your career? To help you discern them, correct guidance will act as a facilitator. Career guidance is an activity that is highly unbiased and offers immense tactical advantages. Your ability to envision your objectives gets a tremendous boost because of it. In its absence, you will not be clear about what you intend to do and seek to attain even a couple of years hence. What, however, is important is hooking on to the right person for direction to identify the career that goes with your personality. And having identified it well in advance, you can begin your groundwork for it.
The world today is a global village where multitudes of career options exist and tyros are likely to get gone astray, given the complexities that prevail therein. In other words young men and women are unable to decide on the most apt career from amongst the horde of options available. They would be plagued with intense misperception and misunderstanding, but with appropriate guidance such problems would get resolved. There will be many people who would be envious of you and may not like to see you do well in your career. Any advice from such quarters is evidently detrimental to your interests and hence the need to identify unprejudiced people for guidance needs no emphasis.
Contests and competitions have become an inherent part of our society today In an environment saturated with struggles and rivalry, you may not be able to run your career race well, at least the first few laps for sure. How can you prevail over such situations? It is only a career guide who can help you do so because he knows and understand various intricacies related to specific career options. Here again, selecting the right person assumes great significance if bewilderment and deceit have to be avoided. Selecting a career has several associated complicated issues. You may like to work in India or abroad. In case you take a decision to stay put in your own country, things may not be that challenging. But if you decide to move to a foreign country, how can you be certain of the prospects there? Career guidance will put things in the correct perspective and you will be able to discern with relative certainty the factual position and if going abroad is indeed a step in the right direction. You may have your friends and relatives out to heap advice on you, but getting one from a professional is the best recourse. Pursuing higher education today is a challenge by itself, more so on account of the costs involved. Imagine how much financial drain you will have to suffer if you were uninformed about the curriculum and colleges offering them. A good career guide can help you identify institutions that fit your budget. This aspect needs serious consideration by parents of wards too for obvious reasons. The significance of career guidance should not be undervalued. In India, where getting into a government job is still a preferred option, other alternatives stand relegated. However, you need to have an open mind towards your career. Career guidance does precisely that and makes things relatively stress-free. It is high time that you identify a professional career guide to steer you.