Popular Dried Herbs
- Parsley is grown in California, among other regions.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Parsley is reported by Whole Foods to be the world's most popular herb. While many people use parsley for nothing more than to decorate a plate, they are missing out on its little known health benefits. Parsley contains volatile oil and flavonoids, both of which benefit your health. Studies have shown volatile oil to decrease tumors from forming in animals as well as assisting the body with glutathione production. The flavonoids found in parsley serve as antioxidants to the body. Parsley also contains vitamins A and C. In addition to its health benefits parsley is a universal herb. It can be used to add flavor to chicken, beef or lamb as well as to season soups and sauces. Parsley is also used in salads and to season fish. - Basil is used frequently in Italian and Thai cuisines.Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Basil may be best known for its use in pesto sauce, however it can be used with several other meats and sauces with excellent results. Frequently confused with its relative peppermint, basil brings an aromatic minty flavor to meats, such as chicken, lamb and fish. Basil also can be enjoyed as a tea, made by steeping chopped basil in water for about eight minutes. In addition to its flavorful qualities, basil also has health benefits. The flavonoids found in basil protect cells while the volatile oils offer antibacterial properties. - Rosemary leaves look similar to pine needles.Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Rosemary is best known for its aromatic qualities. The scent of rosemary is often described as a pine-like scent that frequently reminds people of of good times. Like basil, rosemary is also in the mint family although it looks like it could have been plucked from an evergreen tree. Rosemary grows on a shrub and is available all year long. Rosemary also possess health benefits. Its components increase blood flow and assist the immune system,. Rosemary is also known to reduce asthma attacks. A wonderful addition to tomato sauces, rosemary makes a delicious marinade ingredient for chicken, lamb or fish. - Sage leaves have a velvet-like feel when touched.Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images
Like its relatives in the mint family, sage is popular for its taste and health reasons. Sage has been said to have a soft, but sweet, taste. From meats and seafood to muffins and breads, sage gets rave results. As well as being a wonderful flavoring to food, research has found sage assists in improving memory. In fact, some of the components found in sage are similar to the ingredients in some drugs used to combat Alzheimer's disease.