How to Do Foundation Paper Piece Applique
- 1). Draw your applique motif on tracing paper with a dark pencil. As an option, use pre-made motif templates sold at art stores or from free websites such as
- 2). Position the tracing paper right side up on your work surface. Place the freezer paper over the tracing paper. Keep in mind that freezer paper has a matte side resembling paper and a waxy surface which is used to adhere to the fabric. Make sure the paper side is facing you in order to trace the motif.
- 3). Cut out the freezer paper motif with your scissors.
- 4). Set your iron on the medium heat setting and press the waxy side onto the right side of the fabric.
- 5). Cut out your textile with fabric scissors leaving a 1/4-inch seam allowance all around. Use a clear graph ruler as a guide for more accuracy. You will need to repeat Steps 1 though 5 for each part of your applique. For instance, if you are building an eight-flower petal using a different fabric for each petal with a center dot and two leaves, you will need to build each applique part separately.
- 6). Lift and remove the adhered freezer paper from the right side of the fabric.
- 1). Turn your fabric over. The wrong side will be facing you. Position the freezer paper on the back side of the fabric; however this time the waxy side of the paper will be facing up.
- 2). Turn down the 1/4-inch seam allowance onto the waxy surface and press with your iron. It will resemble a turn down hem. The seams will adhere to the waxy surface.
- 3). Flip your applique part over and position it onto the fabric area for placement. The freezer paper will be facing the fabric, sandwiched in between the applique fabric layer and the textile surface.
- 4). Machine stitch the applique part all around with a decorative or topstitch, leaving a 1- to 2- inch opening at one end of the applique.
- 5). Remove the freezer paper through the opening and topstitch the applique closed. You will have to repeat this section, Steps 1 through 5, for each applique part to complete the foundation paper piece applique.
Creating the Applique
Applying the Applique with Freezer Paper