Gifts for Snack Foods
- Purchase dry roasted or honey roasted peanuts for a snack food gift. You can fill a canister with the peanuts. Another idea is to fill a plastic, resealable gift bag with peanuts. You can purchase gift bags such as these at a craft supply store.
- Make your own trail mix, and place it in a clear, plastic cansiter. Trail mix can be expensive to make, so keep your budget in mind. You need a variety of nuts, dried fruits and chocolate chips. Mix equal parts nuts and dash the mix with dried fruit and chocolate to your tasting.
- Pop several bags of popcorn, then dash the batch with popcorn seasoning such as a cheese flavor. You can purchase popcorn seasoning from a grocery store. Place the popcorn in a cellophane plastic bag, and secure it with a twist tie followed by a fabric ribbon.
- Melt milk chocolate and drizzle it over pretzels laid on wax paper. You do not need to completely cover the pretzels. Allow the chocolate to set, then place the pretzels in a decorative tin. Line the bottom of the tin with a doily.
Trail Mix
Chocolate-covered Pretzels