How to Start a Pear Tree Seed Plant
- 1). Fill a clean nursery pot or seed tray within 1/2-inch of the lip with a fresh supply of lightweight seed starting mix and a few added handfuls of milled sphagnum peat moss. Firm just the top inch of soil lightly with your fingers or palm. Alternatively, add sphagnum moss to well tilled ground soil and plant your pear seeds there, following all the same care directions.
- 2). Wet the soil mix or garden soil thoroughly until soaking wet. For pots, allow the excess water to run through the drainage holes.
- 3). Nestle the pear seed about 1 inch deep in the soil, placing multiple seeds at least 1 inch apart. Cover over the seed with the wet soil and press down lightly.
- 4). Cover pot- or tray-sown seeds with a layer of clear, uncolored glass, plexiglass or plastic sheeting to aid in holding in moisture. Seeds planted in the ground do not need to be covered provided the surrounding soil is kept moist at all times.
- 5). Keep the soil evenly moist and leave the seeds to chill and germinate for three to four months with ambient overnight or daytime temperatures hovering near 35 to 40 degrees F.