Sadness and Depression
Sadness is normally due to, or the cause of, dwelling on what made us sad and downhearted in the first place.
And with feelings of depression, the only remedy is - to remove - or remove oneself from the cause! As for sadness, it is easy to say"stop thinking about it", because it is deep in our psyche to - for instance, from a friend or love one to feel cheated or betrayed or from someone "least expected" to feel hurt, left alone, and cheated where ones trust was misplaced.
But it helps to understand the painful truth, that "all suffering is self - inflicted"! Yes! Also in cases like these! Its soon goes away and "justice" is done with the realisation of the truth: By telling ourselves that - the loss of a friend or a loved one (if by death - he is no longer suffering! And the pain we feel through this loss is only OURS - our hurt! What is wrong with paying respect to his or her demise with an awareness of this condition and carrying their memory and our loss with quiet dignity? When cheated or betrayed or let down by someone, why not tell oneself that the "cheater" is not worthy of so much pain and therefore has no longer deserved another thought.
When you feel let down, admit to yourself that it may not have been all his fault, but more so your own by "expecting too much of him"! Aching hearts soon heal when one sees things in a "less self centered light".
It hurts to be hurt! But what for! If it was not your fault in the first place? If it was, however, and you suffered sadness due to a deed or action you have caused and now regret, because it was undeserved and you now feel truly guilty about, suffer if you must! But tell yourself that everyone makes mistakes, misjudges, has reasons of moments of anger or "getting even"! You can make it up to him or her! Quite often an apology or a little token of thoughtfulness (a small gift) works wonders.
The gesture and the acceptance of it makes your sadness or suffering go away! If loneliness gives you a feeling of being deserted and causes you to be sad - go and visit a friend! Ring one up and plan an outing for a luncheon or shopping spree together, and your spirits will already be lifted through "something to look forward to"! Why not go for a drive to a nice quiet spot, where you will be alone, but close to nature! T.
his also works wonders! Don't be sad or depressed! It does not pay! Either for yourself or another person concerned! Paying tribute to a lost friend or loved one with respect and dignity will suffice! And the other reasons - ask yourself honestly whether you in some way have not "asked" for it and are completely guilt - free in the "let down"! Do what you can to "make up" or "put right" of what was your fault in the matter! Otherwise put it out of your mind, forget what goes with it, and start something new, something better, and - if you can - something else! It works wonders with forgetting and forgiving.
And with feelings of depression, the only remedy is - to remove - or remove oneself from the cause! As for sadness, it is easy to say"stop thinking about it", because it is deep in our psyche to - for instance, from a friend or love one to feel cheated or betrayed or from someone "least expected" to feel hurt, left alone, and cheated where ones trust was misplaced.
But it helps to understand the painful truth, that "all suffering is self - inflicted"! Yes! Also in cases like these! Its soon goes away and "justice" is done with the realisation of the truth: By telling ourselves that - the loss of a friend or a loved one (if by death - he is no longer suffering! And the pain we feel through this loss is only OURS - our hurt! What is wrong with paying respect to his or her demise with an awareness of this condition and carrying their memory and our loss with quiet dignity? When cheated or betrayed or let down by someone, why not tell oneself that the "cheater" is not worthy of so much pain and therefore has no longer deserved another thought.
When you feel let down, admit to yourself that it may not have been all his fault, but more so your own by "expecting too much of him"! Aching hearts soon heal when one sees things in a "less self centered light".
It hurts to be hurt! But what for! If it was not your fault in the first place? If it was, however, and you suffered sadness due to a deed or action you have caused and now regret, because it was undeserved and you now feel truly guilty about, suffer if you must! But tell yourself that everyone makes mistakes, misjudges, has reasons of moments of anger or "getting even"! You can make it up to him or her! Quite often an apology or a little token of thoughtfulness (a small gift) works wonders.
The gesture and the acceptance of it makes your sadness or suffering go away! If loneliness gives you a feeling of being deserted and causes you to be sad - go and visit a friend! Ring one up and plan an outing for a luncheon or shopping spree together, and your spirits will already be lifted through "something to look forward to"! Why not go for a drive to a nice quiet spot, where you will be alone, but close to nature! T.
his also works wonders! Don't be sad or depressed! It does not pay! Either for yourself or another person concerned! Paying tribute to a lost friend or loved one with respect and dignity will suffice! And the other reasons - ask yourself honestly whether you in some way have not "asked" for it and are completely guilt - free in the "let down"! Do what you can to "make up" or "put right" of what was your fault in the matter! Otherwise put it out of your mind, forget what goes with it, and start something new, something better, and - if you can - something else! It works wonders with forgetting and forgiving.