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Home Business Success - And Failure! About the 90% Failure Rate, and the Reasons

Over 90% of HOME BUSINESS participants are failing! Why? How can YOU select the right one? It's really pathetic, isn't it? All the surveys reveal the awful truth: The overwhelming majority of folks who try a home business fail, and usually, within a few months or even just a few weeks! To make the setback even more painful, most of the people who leave the playing field have spent thousands of dollars in these tough economic times.
Allow me to make a quick aside here: I am directing my comments towards those who are really well-suited for home businesses.
Though there are many compelling reasons to start one, there are actually quite a few who are better off in a more conventional work environment.
(I will address this in a future article.
) Now let's get back to our main topic.
How can so many people fall short? Well, it's happened to me, twice! (Fortunately, these failures gave me the wisdom to finally get it right; and I have now found a winner.
) However, if you are like me, "wisdom" almost always arrives with a certain "misery quotient.
" Do any of these MLM experiences sound familiar? oYou run expensive ads, but you have no idea what you are doing.
oSomeone mentions "search engine optimization".
You say to yourself, "What is that?" oOne of the "big hitters" strongly suggests you buy costly "leads" from a mysterious "lead generator.
" oYou are pressured into attending conference calls, which are more like pep rallies.
oYou decide to take bold action, and create your own list of "prospects" from among friends and acquaintances.
oYou become quite discouraged when no one is interested in your "pitch", and old friends are beginning to avoid you.
Sadly, the list could go on and on.
After going through all of this, I began to wonder, "How could such unproductive and frustrating events possibly take place in the MLM industry, where the success of one's downlines directly effects one's own commissions?" It just makes no sense.
As I pondered this, my own unique perspective - gained from 35 years of recruiting senior talent within the executive search industry - began to clarify the picture for me.
During the last few years of my previous career, I got a very close and daily firsthand glimpse of a growing problem which exists throughout the business world and throughout much of the country: an absence of effective leaders.
I have studied leadership all of my life.
(Some would even say that I have been an effective leader.
) It flows from depth of character, not surface personality.
Inspired leaders will sacrifice for the common good, because they know their efforts will accrue rewards for all.
These are the coaches, the mentors, the "example setters.
" To be a leader requires daily effort, and discipline.
So I ask, "Despite the potential for rich rewards, why don't 'upline sponsors' take the time to coach and teach their new affiliates?" It is my conclusion that they won't, mostly because they simply can't.
They are lacking the capacity for mentorship.
They will seek shortcuts, such as directing people toward "plug and play" hopeless and ineffective replicated websites.
Now here, in my opinion, are some reasons for the "big letdown" in the MLM world.
Then, of more immediate relevance, I offer some ideas about what those of you who may be feeling a bit "lost and scared" can do about it.
Again, in trying to better understand the "what", it is sometimes helpful to grasp the "why".
Clever marketers are far more abundant than inspired leaders.
As human nature takes hold, folks will reflexively do what they do best.
What is the net effect? A lot of folks are good at signing you up, but then they have no earthly idea about how to provide you with any value.
Some of them could not care less! 2.
The computer seems to foster the mistaken idea, "The machine will do what I am unwilling, or unable to do on my own.
" 3.
If someone doesn't have to deal with his/her associates and affiliates face-to-face, it is surely easier to ignore them, mislead them, or exploit them.
(Incidentally, this is how psychologists explain rudeness on the traffic ways) 4.
This is maybe the biggest factor of all: the common human foibles of shortsightedness, greed, and/or laziness.
It's not really different than Corporate America: (We were going to escape all of this, remember? People are shuffled about, while the quarterly report reigns supreme.
We can always pick up the pieces tomorrow, right?) What is the MLM equivalent? Think about high-powered ad campaigns, complete with alluring images, and over-the-top promises - all leading to the goal of signing you up, and then offering you little of any real value.
After your payment is collected, don't expect much mentoring, coaching, or even basic proper guidance from these outfits.
This ridiculous business model seems to be built upon pure laziness, and the completely upside-down notion, or rationale, that it is easier to find new customers than it is to maintain existing ones.
This is nonsense! The opposite is true.
Most seasoned business and marketing professionals know this universal axiom: It is at least four times more costly and more difficult to sign up new customers that it is to maintain existing ones! So, as we tour the vast "car lot" of MLM offerings, how do we avoid the costly "lemon" purchase? Based upon my experience and the experiences of my colleagues, here are some ideas: If someone is pushing expensive "paid leads", watch out! oIf a group is using replicated websites, be very careful.
(Search engines hate these.
) oIf someone is trying to sign you up with no mention of teaching you, or exposing you to proven internet marketing tools such as "Attraction Marketing", use great caution.
oIf someone is attempting to sell you, but will not allow you access to referencing of one or more of their key downlines, that is not a good sign.
And there are more.
So I simply say to my readers, "Caveat Emptor!"; " "Buyer, Beware!" Sadly, the field is crowded with folks with either the wrong values, or an absence of leadership skills, or both.
To count on these very same people to provide vital mentoring and coaching help is absurd.
You could spend thousands before you discover your mistake.
I would rather you save yourself from this pain and wasted time.
There are a few good offerings out there.
Work hard to find them.
Do your homework.
Make the right decision.
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