Earn Money Taking Paid Surveys in 3 Simple Steps
If you want to earn money taking paid surveys, you need to know a few things before jumping in.
If you decide to blindly join random places, you will be sorely disappointed by the amount of cash you end up making monthly.
If you absorb the 3 steps below you will earn money taking paid surveys from the places that always pay the most and treat you the best.
Let's get right to the first step...
You Need Fresh Survey Lists - If you are at a website and they have the same list of survey offers up for over two weeks, it's time to chuck that website in the garbage.
For starters, you will be left without any ways to make money, because you've already taken every single survey on their page.
Secondly, even if you haven't taken all of them yet, you won't get credit for the ones you do take, because the quotas have already been filled.
Companies only allow a set number of people to earn money taking paid surveys that they put up, and once the quota is filled, you're out of luck and just wasted your time.
Compare Payments- This is a whole lot simpler than you may think.
Most sites will have the exact same survey offers as the next place.
Not all of them will be the same, but a good 30% of them will be.
This means that you can do very quick comparisons of how much each place pays.
It's such a simple thing to do, yet most people never even think about doing this.
The people who spend ten minutes comparing this info will always earn more money taking paid surveys at the end of the month.
Last but not least, there is one huge obstacle you should always stay away from...
Fee Based Websites - These places have been popping up all over the internet, but I have yet to see one that is worth it.
They ask you for some sort of "entrance" fee and then give you some random list of websites you should join.
Why do you need to give somebody $30 to get some random list of websites that you could have found yourself from newsgroups and other people's websites? Even worse, their lists stink most of the time, yet you are out thirty bucks of your hard earned cash.
If you want to earn money taking paid surveys, simply stay away from the fee based places, because their lists usually stink and they don't even have any survey offers for you to take.
It's as simple as that.
Keeping those three steps in mind can help you earn money taking paid surveys from only the best paying websites.
If you decide to blindly join random places, you will be sorely disappointed by the amount of cash you end up making monthly.
If you absorb the 3 steps below you will earn money taking paid surveys from the places that always pay the most and treat you the best.
Let's get right to the first step...
You Need Fresh Survey Lists - If you are at a website and they have the same list of survey offers up for over two weeks, it's time to chuck that website in the garbage.
For starters, you will be left without any ways to make money, because you've already taken every single survey on their page.
Secondly, even if you haven't taken all of them yet, you won't get credit for the ones you do take, because the quotas have already been filled.
Companies only allow a set number of people to earn money taking paid surveys that they put up, and once the quota is filled, you're out of luck and just wasted your time.
Compare Payments- This is a whole lot simpler than you may think.
Most sites will have the exact same survey offers as the next place.
Not all of them will be the same, but a good 30% of them will be.
This means that you can do very quick comparisons of how much each place pays.
It's such a simple thing to do, yet most people never even think about doing this.
The people who spend ten minutes comparing this info will always earn more money taking paid surveys at the end of the month.
Last but not least, there is one huge obstacle you should always stay away from...
Fee Based Websites - These places have been popping up all over the internet, but I have yet to see one that is worth it.
They ask you for some sort of "entrance" fee and then give you some random list of websites you should join.
Why do you need to give somebody $30 to get some random list of websites that you could have found yourself from newsgroups and other people's websites? Even worse, their lists stink most of the time, yet you are out thirty bucks of your hard earned cash.
If you want to earn money taking paid surveys, simply stay away from the fee based places, because their lists usually stink and they don't even have any survey offers for you to take.
It's as simple as that.
Keeping those three steps in mind can help you earn money taking paid surveys from only the best paying websites.