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Are Your Career Strategies Working For You?

You may be a recent college graduate - or just out of high school wondering what's next in your career search or worried about making the "right" decision when a job offer comes.
All of us have been there so don't be over anxious, it'll all come together.
Most of us have more than one job during the course of our working career - maybe 5 or 6 career paths before we reach retirement in this fast paced, changing marketplace.
One day you'll LOOK BACK and wonder how it all came to be...
your beautiful family, nice BIG house, new Lexus in the driveway, a new pick-up truck for leisure and pulling the inboard cruiser to the lake.
Hit the big-time and live anywhere your heart desires.
Few of us will ever wish we'd gone to MORE meetings - attended more political dinners - worked longer hours.
When you see the guy or gal with a long history of director; President; Chairman; etc.
of numerous local charities; Chambers of Commerce; the United Way..
there is a message within to be discovered.
Nothing beats discovering your DREAM job and spending a lifetime doing FUN stuff, it's like being paid for something you'd gladly do for free.
Find a hobby that you can turn into earning your livelihood or money machine.
Now, that's like winning the Publisher's Clearing House lottery in my book.
Everyone tells YOU...
keep your JOB and be happy.
Don't give up a good thing.
However, that's someone elses opinion...
NOT yours and it's YOU with the decision making challenge and power..
move on if this is not your DREAM JOB.
It's your God given RIGHT to follow YOUR dreams..
where YOUR passion lies and pulls at your heart strings.
Don't let anyone else make the decision for you..
it yours to make and live with.
WHAT DO YOU SEE? Feel? Look around you today..
is your BOSS someone who is supportive and an encourager where you are?Is he/she a lousy supervisor? Is the equipment GOOD? - location GOOD? - co-workers GREAT? May as well bring up the daily commute to work...
how much drive time? MY POINT IS..
don't waste YOUR time and energy in the wrong place.
There's good value in VISUALIZING..
"picturing" your dream job.
Spend your 'break' time on "seeing" your future in the 'right' place.
It can be another job or in your own business if you're an entrepreneur personality, just know that NOT everyone wants their own business.
Most business owners put in 60 to 100 hours a week...
to make about the same money they'd earn in 40 hours working for someone else.
The point is...
if it's NOT your passion..
don't do it for the money but because you LOVE what you do..
then the money will come later.
There's a sadness about the person who works ALL DAY at a JOB to earn a paycheck..
then goes home to their hobby every night.
Your goal in the future is to make your hobby into a PROFIT center to replace your weekly paycheck.
THINK!! That's #1 in your search to discover your passion.
What CAN you do?Forget your past work history UNLESS it is connected to something you can turn into a profit center for yourself.
What's missing? Do folks tell you how good you are at [something?].
Listen to the message.
IS FEAR HOLDING YOU BACK? Yes, 'fear' is very real and causes most of us to STAY-PUT in a JOB that's driving us to tears..
but we're locked by 'fear' of failure - or what others may say or think.
Most business owners have failed 2 or 3 times before arriving...
they keep trying...
NEVER giving UP.
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