How to Get Pregnant With a Girl Baby Naturally
If you would like to know how to get pregnant with a girl baby naturally, there are a number of simple steps you can take which will tip the balance in your favor.
When trying to influence gender, one of the most important factors is knowing the characteristics and differences between male and female sperm.
Female sperm is considerably larger than its male counterparts due to the fact that it carries more genetic material.
This also makes it slower moving.
It can survive for around 2 days longer than male sperm and is generally more robust.
It also prefers an acidic environment which can damage and inhibit male sperm.
Using the above facts to your advantage, if you have intercourse a couple of days before ovulation, this will give the slower female sperm time to make its way up the fallopian tubes and be ready and waiting for the egg as it is released.
By the time ovulation happens, the male sperm is likely to have perished.
The acidic environment favored by female sperm can also be exploited in more than one way if you want to know how to get pregnant with a girl baby naturally.
You can make your bodily environment more acidic by eating foods which are acid forming, such as dairy products, fish, leafy green vegetables, apples and grapefruit to name but a few.
Another way to increase acidity is to use gentle home made alkaline douches.
There are various recipes on the internet involving the use of well-diluted lemon juice or apple cider vinegar-simply ensure your recipe comes from a reputable source and use this an hour or so before intercourse.
When trying to influence gender, one of the most important factors is knowing the characteristics and differences between male and female sperm.
Female sperm is considerably larger than its male counterparts due to the fact that it carries more genetic material.
This also makes it slower moving.
It can survive for around 2 days longer than male sperm and is generally more robust.
It also prefers an acidic environment which can damage and inhibit male sperm.
Using the above facts to your advantage, if you have intercourse a couple of days before ovulation, this will give the slower female sperm time to make its way up the fallopian tubes and be ready and waiting for the egg as it is released.
By the time ovulation happens, the male sperm is likely to have perished.
The acidic environment favored by female sperm can also be exploited in more than one way if you want to know how to get pregnant with a girl baby naturally.
You can make your bodily environment more acidic by eating foods which are acid forming, such as dairy products, fish, leafy green vegetables, apples and grapefruit to name but a few.
Another way to increase acidity is to use gentle home made alkaline douches.
There are various recipes on the internet involving the use of well-diluted lemon juice or apple cider vinegar-simply ensure your recipe comes from a reputable source and use this an hour or so before intercourse.