Earning an Income Online - Making Money Isn"t All It"s Cracked Up to Be
If making money online was so danged easy, wouldn't we all be doing it? It sure would be nice to be able to plunk yourself down in front of a computer and set to making a great daily wage for your time whenever you felt like it.
But, it's just never that easy.
I am always searching through Google looking for what's out there.
Basically, it all comes down to the title of my article: "Earning an Income Online - Making Money Isn't All It's Cracked Up to Be.
" You'd think that there's got to be a way.
And, I'll always believe that there is.
But, it's not falling for somebody else's scheme.
It's starting your own tried-and-true business where you have something legitimate to sell, and people who want to buy from you and/or use your services.
There's never been a dispute that this type of traditional buying and selling will always exist and is always accepted.
Yes, even cavemen did it.
It's the fluffy pyramid schemes that find their way into the mix that always seem to cloud the issue.
And, just because you have a website, or a blossoming social networking existence, doesn't take you all the way there.
You can write article upon endless article like me, and that guarantees you nothing either.
But, you have got to get the word out there.
And thus the ol' advertising budget comes into play.
If you even have one.
I proudly do not.
I figure that if I hit enough places with enough good copy and good headlines, maybe the perfect storm of success will come into play.
And, I could just be hallucinating.
But, the business is great and it's ready for massive action.
Now, how to get the public to beat a path to it.
Yeah, that.
So, will my business stand a chance? I give a resounding "YES" simply because I will never give up, it has a great concept and an immensely generous business model, and I just love pursuing my dreams.
It just takes a lucky break or two, and a shot at viral online stardom and by this time next year I could be writing to you from my condo in some beachfront city.
Though knowing me, I'd probably stick right here where my comfort zone resides.
May I be so lucky.
But, it's just never that easy.
I am always searching through Google looking for what's out there.
Basically, it all comes down to the title of my article: "Earning an Income Online - Making Money Isn't All It's Cracked Up to Be.
" You'd think that there's got to be a way.
And, I'll always believe that there is.
But, it's not falling for somebody else's scheme.
It's starting your own tried-and-true business where you have something legitimate to sell, and people who want to buy from you and/or use your services.
There's never been a dispute that this type of traditional buying and selling will always exist and is always accepted.
Yes, even cavemen did it.
It's the fluffy pyramid schemes that find their way into the mix that always seem to cloud the issue.
And, just because you have a website, or a blossoming social networking existence, doesn't take you all the way there.
You can write article upon endless article like me, and that guarantees you nothing either.
But, you have got to get the word out there.
And thus the ol' advertising budget comes into play.
If you even have one.
I proudly do not.
I figure that if I hit enough places with enough good copy and good headlines, maybe the perfect storm of success will come into play.
And, I could just be hallucinating.
But, the business is great and it's ready for massive action.
Now, how to get the public to beat a path to it.
Yeah, that.
So, will my business stand a chance? I give a resounding "YES" simply because I will never give up, it has a great concept and an immensely generous business model, and I just love pursuing my dreams.
It just takes a lucky break or two, and a shot at viral online stardom and by this time next year I could be writing to you from my condo in some beachfront city.
Though knowing me, I'd probably stick right here where my comfort zone resides.
May I be so lucky.