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How to Deal With the Death of a Loved One

Anyone that has children all know just how hard it is to raise them and keep them on the straight and narrow.
Our parents did the same for us all the years we were going up.
They comforted us, they made sure we had proper housing and food on the table.
They cared for us when we were sick.
As time passes by, we the young children, that were raised and cared for by our parents then have an obligation to take care of them as they start to reach the older years of their life.
They too may get sick and need to be cared for, as they cared for us when we were young children.
It will now be our time to care for them.
We see them failing in many areas of their life, and I know for myself, it is truly heart breaking to watch this happen basically right in front of our eyes.
Age really doesn't matter because many people die at a very young age from so many horrible diseases and sometimes accidents such as automotive, boating and so many others that could not be avoidable.
That is why they call these accidents.
Then there is the most unfortunate one of all, which is suicide which is very much avoidable.
How to deal with the death of a loved one due to suicide has to be the most horrible way to loss a loved one.
Getting that news for anyone is devastating beyond our comprehension.
We ask why? It will be an unanswered question for the rest of our lives.
One the other hand, when our loved one is admitted into a hospital for a sickness, heart attack or anything that would warrant them to be hospitalized, we are prepared to take care of them and love them, support them and continue to give them hope of getting well soon.
We need to be supportive in any way we can and stand by their side as they did when we were young.
Sometimes, unfortunately the Doctors have done all they could do in order to keep our loved one alive.
There then comes a time in every ones life that we loss a loved one and more than once which I hate say.
Regarding my experiences with the loss of both of my parents in a three year time period, I was by both of their sides giving my love and support each and everyday till the end of their time on earth.
When a parent passes away, and in my case, in my arms, it is the most devastating thing anyone could go through.
I have lost my parent in my arms and to hear their last deep breathe before their death is truly unexplainable, unless you have witnessed it yourself.
You want to tell them everything and anything to comfort them in their final minutes of life.
If anyone has something to get off your chest that you have been carrying around with you for years, you had better say it fast.
It is a shame that we tell the loved one things as they are close to the end of their live when we should of been saying it when they were alive and well.
(Just a point to mention to all).
The way I had to deal with the loss of my parents was to continue to look back on all the great years and memories I had when I was young.
It kind of puts a smile on your face when thinking about those times.
Yes they are gone from this earth, but the memories in your heart will be with you for the rest of ours lives.
Visit their grave often even though their spirit is not there, but it certainly will make you feel at peace to see the name on the monument and knowing that they are in a far better place now.
They are not in pain anymore and not suffering at all.
We will all see our loved ones again all in do time.
They will be waiting with open arms at the gates of heaven.
Truly something to look forward to in our live that we will meet again.
In the meantime, God will comfort and protect them, so don't be sad, be happy even though they are no longer with us on earth, but always in our hearts.
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