Advice on Horse Bits
- There are two basic types of bits that can be used on a horse. A snaffle type consists of cheek pieces of varying type connected by a bar across the tongue that is broken or jointed. The other type is a curb, which has two long cheek pieces connected by a solid mouth piece that often has a port that will push against the roof of the horse's mouth when the reins are pulled. Typically, the snaffle types are used in the two handed English riding style while the curb is used in the one-handed Western style.
- Snaffles are used when starting young horses as they are far milder than the curb type bits. The fatter the piece that goes in the horse's mouth, typically the milder the bit. Some snaffles even come with a rubber overlay making the bit softer. There is an old adage, "if you cant do it in a snaffle you cant do it," meaning if your horse wasn't trained to perform with a light feel of the mouth he wasn't really trained. Snaffles certainly come in harsher varieties though. Some varieties, like the twisted wire, are quite thin and are more uncomfortable for the horse, making him pay greater attention to the bit. A full cheek snaffle has metal lengths about 1 1/2 inches long that connect at the corner of the horses mouth and run along the cheek adding pressure when you attempt to turn the horse. This style of snaffle is often used during jumping to aid in control at high speed.
- Curb bits are a harsher variety of bit as not only do they typically have a port that puts pressure on the roof of the horse's mouth, but they also usually have a curb chain that is positioned under the horses chin. This chain can be made of chain or leather and puts pressure on the jaw when the reins are pulled. Depending on what it is made of and how tightly it is connect will determine the amount of pressure delivered. Similarly the larger the port on the curb bit the more pressure is put on the horses mouth. This style of bit is fine when used by a seasoned horseman who will not over use it. However these bits can be harmful and create anxious horses when used incorrectly as they can be painful when misused.